Jared Seide

At the invitation of the Zen Peacemaker Order, Center for Council has been working with NGOs in Rwanda to develop their capacity to facilitate council circles at a number of villages in-country and, now, inspired by our work in California, inside several prisons, where perpetrators of violence during the Genocide Against the Tutsis are being held. Many of these prisoners are reaching the end of their incarceration and are being released into the communities where the violence occurred and the Rwandan Correctional Service and associated NGOs have asked Center for Council to partner in developing programs to ease that transition and to promote healing.

One Response

  1. My whole house is an expo of not-done chores.But this is ralely good: I finally thought to get The Book at the same moment I had in my possession a credit card with actual CREDIT on it.So off I went as extremely pleased to see your novel surrounded by Helen Garner, Eleanor Dark, David Malouf, Kate Grenville, Elizabeth Jolley, and so on.It just looked very impressive, and now I am highly excited to receive it.To celebrate, I am not folding the laundry. Hurrah!

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