Montague Farm Café –the family-oriented community meal organized by the Montague Farm Zen House– had an extraordinary launch on April 10th with over 85 people, including tons of kids, attending. Residence program trainees (now accepting applications) will these meals in the future. Our meals fill a gap in the free community meals offered in our surrounding towns (where a staggering 30% of families experience food insecurity and 18% experience hunger) and offer a wonderful and safe place for kids to play. We do outreach with the family shelters and community meals in the area, as well as the Department of Transitional Assistance, WIC (Women, Infants, and Children), Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and youth who have been in the foster care system. We also reach out to neighbors and friends and create a festive gathering.
We are getting excited for our Montague Farm garden, where we will grow veggies for our community meals. We have a donation of seeds from both Fed-Co and Justin Idoine, in addition to one ton of compost from UMass-Amherst. Between April 22-27, the Deerfield Academy boys lacrosse team and Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Franklin County helped us set up the garden and put in a fence. An ever widening circle -extra hands always welcome.