I was brought into being by Jeff Bridges in order to help his friend Bernie to wage peace around the world.  Word on the street is that Bernie was a tough Zen monk who yelled at his students and beat them with sticks to provoke their enlightenment.

Bernie, translator Heinz-Jürgen Metzger and Charlie in Heidelberg, Germany

However, as I joined my first workshop with him, I instead found a Brooklynite in his early 70’s with a beard and ponytail who travels around telling stories and cracking jokes.  It turns out that I’m traveling with a Formerly Tough Zen Guy.

At every workshop, he listens to participants before talking.

I decided to help out.



Heard on the street:

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]http://zenpeacemakers.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Charlie.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]I found my way to this world through the left-over lumps of clay from Jeff Bridges’ pottery wheel.  After heeding my call to take shape,  he, the Dude, sent me to help his friend Bernie to wage peace around the world.

I feel that I’m not alone.

I believe there are others out there who want to Head for Peace.








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