You can also listen to this by linking here. There is a new theory that’s floating around concerning black holes, the Big Bang, and how it relates to the first tenet of the Zen Peacemakers, not knowing. I’ve talked before about the Big Bang and not knowing, and there are write-ups on our blog and the website page, Just My Opinion, Man. But here’s the new stuff that’s just come out, in which in my opinion, I have now adopted as my opinion—that is I agree with this new opinion—with this new theory.
So, what are black holes? Black holes are regions of space; so incredibly dense that nothing—not even light—can escape from them. Most of these black holes are thought to form at the end of a big star’s life, when it’s internal pressure is insufficient to resist it’s own gravity, and the star collapses under it’s own weight. Most scientists believe (and it was also my opinion) that since there is nothing to stop this collapse, eventually a singularity will form. And if you have listened to my other Podcasts, you might know that in my opinion, that singularity corresponds to the state of not knowing. That is, that singularity is a region where infinite densities are reached, and general relativity ceases to be predictive—general relativity that Einstein came up with.
But the singularity theory has flaws. Since the laws of physics no longer apply in a region of infinite density, no one knows what could possibly happen inside a black hole. That is, it’s a singularity. And you can’t know what the deal is there, man. And that’s the same in the state of not knowing. You can’t know, otherwise it wouldn’t be a state of not knowing.
Stephen Hawking suggested in the early 1970s, that black holes can slowly evaporate and disappear. But in this case, what happens to the information that describes an object that falls into a black hole?
So in our not knowing tenet, that question is, “What happened to all of the information?” Indra’s Net—this net that extends throughout all space and time—contains everything, all information. So at the singularity, there’s a total state of not knowing, where’s the information, man? What happened to it?
In terms of black holes, this information paradox (they call it an information paradox) has puzzled researchers for decades. Recently, some scientists (and now I have shifted to their opinion) have attempted to answer this question by exploring the idea that the universe—which is assumed in their opinions and my opinion, to have started with the Big Bang—that it actually emerged from a big bounce, following an earlier contracting phase. Quantum gravitational effects produce an effective repulsive force. So that matter wouldn’t have collapsed into a singularity, but it would have just reached a maximum compact state.
So this aint no singularity, man. That is, remember that singularity is what I call not knowing. So this thing—things compress and compress until it’s in a maximum compact state. Very, very small. Infinitesimal—can’t see it.
This way, the universe would bounce when the energy density matter reaches the smallest possible size in physics, causing the universe to expand again. And then possibly collapse again, and so on—back and forth. That is, the expansion spreads out through all space and time. Then it contracts at some point, gets back to this minimal point, bounces back, and so we have an infinite cycle of universes.
A similar idea has been proposed for the fate of the collapsing matter of a dying star. Researchers say that quantum effects would stop the collapse of a star before it could shrink to a singularity. The star would then become a super compact object, bounce back during the evaporation process of a black hole, and finally explode. Everything eventually would have fallen into the black hole, would be released.
Researchers say that as a black hole evaporates and shrinks, it’s boundary will at some point meet maximum compact state. When that happens, there is no black hole arising any more. And all information trapped inside the black hole can escape. In this case, the information would simply be reemitted into the universe.
So in our case, in my opinion, if the metaphor for the universe is Indra’s Net that contains all (everything, past, present, and future, all thoughts, all actions, all feelings, throughout all space and time, past, present, and future)—that as it gets small enough, to where we can’t see it anymore—that is, as we get to that place that is not knowing—we’re experiencing not knowing—still all of the information is still there. Get it? So therefore, anything and everything can be created.
That’s just my opinion, man.
Thing with science is it handles relativity really well while falling short at singularity or ”nondualism”. For observation and causality to happen, a potentially one-like condition must really be two-like and to relative to itself as-if of two separate ”parts”. I got universal singularity coming from Zen. I have since found that science and math already know the single and All a Lone pretty well. What is not accepted is the case of an unconditional force constant. Science assume ”energy” is fundamental. I have come to disagree. All is in equilibrium. There are no number of ”fundamental” interactions to unify because there are none separate to begin with.
Time is the no-height of non-extended, 3D-like space. Rotation/chakra is the only work force. It flattens the dead symmetry as to appear/act as more or less 2D-like spaces/particles when broken down to become myriads of ones.
The 3D to 2D projection is the story of God turning out to become Son/Sun and the ”King of this world”. The inversed phase when empirical space of eccentricity and tension is relaxing back to become a symmetric and ”invisible black hole” is known as the earthly King relaxing his tension and empirical domain as to become the Axis Mundi, the spine of the world. The the King knows the parent (as-if himself) as a notknowing grey body which is neither black, nor white.
The King under the Bhodi tree is Genesis in reverse. Both are equally true, but not at once.
What it ”is” that acts as to turn out an actor is…well, all the agreed upon models are based on the action of a perfect, inviscid fluid.
We can call it Ain, Nun, Holy Water or Prana.
We can call the single condition God or Nirvana as Void of empirical value (it should be if symmetric an nonobserved), and its flattened and energized form Christ, Buddha or Brahman. In scientific lingo 3D becomes 2D and time becomes space. Particles are indeed oscillating fields of liquid substance or ”nadis” that flow in patterns of ”Ida” and ”Pingala”?
Anyways, start with Not Even Nothing, limit that by assuming a soma/thing of perfect fluid, make that something of action being rotation/wheeling/spin and watch it generate Nirvana of God becoming the Samsara of Christ.
That is duality from singularity and everything from something. As for ”nothing”, there is no nothing. As for consciousness, it is the dancing of biophotons in relation to atomic matters. I believe Einstein, or rather the universe when momentarily appearing and acting as ”Einstein”, responded to that as ”spacetime grid in relation to material objects”.
Now its respons was all of the above.
Now what?