Bearing Witness Retreat, Rwanda 2014

In April 2014, 20 years after the Rwandan genocide, Bernie Glassman and a group of Peacemakers from 4 different continents came together to bear witness to the effects of the slaughter, in which over one million men, women, and children were brutally murdered in a period of one hundred days.

Circles of Hope: The Continuous Work of Healing Genocidal Trauma in Rwanda

Rwandan clinical psychologist Therese Uwitonze, a participant in the 2014 Zen Peacemakers Bearing Witness retreat in Rwanda, has developed a program, based on Zen Peacemakers practices and co-sponsored by Zen Peacemakers in Switzerland, to support and heal the post-genocide local communities. Read her report here.


January 23, 2025 ~ Eve Marko “In the present civil war it is quite possible that God’s purpose is something different from the purpose of either party—and yet the human instrumentalities, working just as they do, are of the best adaptation to effect His purpose.” That was part of Abraham Lincoln’s reflections in 1862. The Civil War […]


December 4, 2024 ~ Eve Marko   I was in Takoma Park, Maryland, for the Thanksgiving holiday and returned home on Saturday. The following morning, I took out the dogs in freezing temperatures on one of our favorite walks, Fiske Pond in the Town of Wendell, some 10 minutes from the house. The place had changed dramatically […]

Eve Marko Reports on Trip to Israel: Africa in Tel Aviv; West Bank

Originally published on June 29, 2013 BALADY I’m in a taxi going to Checkpoint 300 in order to enter Bethlehem and visit with Sami Awad, head of Holy Land Trust. The checkpoint is gone, replaced by the big Separation Wall, which is yellow-gray on the Israeli side and awash with graffiti demanding an end to […]

Heartwood – The Art of Living with the End in Mind

Great masters of many traditions have taught us that we must die before we die if we wish to truly live. In her new memoir Heartwood: The Art of Living with the End in Mind (Flatiron Books, Macmillan, May 2021), Barbara Becker sets off on a journey to explore this truth like a koan, with […]

Q&A Session for Native American Bearing Witness Retreat 2022

A Q&A Session for Native American Bearing Witness Retreat 2022 Wolakota Makasintomni Awachekiyapi Praying for Sacred Harmony and Worldwide Peace Zen Peacemakers International has been conducting retreats following the principles of Not Knowing, Bearing Witness, and Taking Action in Auschwitz, Rwanda, and the Black Hills since 1996. This program is a continuation of this rich […]

Q&A Session for Native American Bearing Witness Retreat 2022

Zen Peacemakers International has been conducting retreats following the principles of Not Knowing, Bearing Witness, and Taking Action in Auschwitz, Rwanda, and the Black Hills since 1996. This program is a continuation of this rich legacy and part of our dedication to growing in connection with the indigenous communities of Turtle Island. This year, this enriching experience […]

Introducing ZPI Affiliate: Green River Zen Center

To strengthen our planetary network, ZPI will feature newly affiliated groups. Join us here on the Hive to explore some of the offerings of the organizations affiliated with ZPI. Introducing a new ZPI affiliate group: What is your organization’s name? Green River Zen Center What type of Affiliate would you like to be identified as […]

Re-introducing ZPI Affiliate: Engaged Mindfulness Institute

To strengthen our planetary network, ZPI will feature newly affiliated groups.     Join us here at  to explore some of the offerings of the organizations affiliated with ZPI.   Re-introducing a long-time ZPI affiliate group: Engaged Mindfulness Institute What is your organization’s name? Engaged Mindfulness Institute (EMI). What is your mission? EMI specializes in training those […]