Affiliate Outreach (Dec 2022)
Questions on Affiliate Status and Affiliate Projects
Please Add Your Name
Name of Affiliate
Is this organization still in existence?
Would you like to be removed from our Affiliate Registry?
Maybe (Let's Talk)
Email me at:
Enter your email and we will reach out to you shortly, Thank You.
Enter your email
If you would like to discuss our Affiliate Program, we would appreciate knowing how we could have served you better.
Introducing our new "Projects" Module in the Hive.
This module will be a testament to how the Three Tenets can engage us within the communities we live. Inspiring others, while gathering support.
Is your community currently involved in any Projects?
Please note: training facilities would be considered deeply involved with ongoing projects. Please consider sharing notable upcoming events.
Briefly tell us about them below (one or two sentences)
Is your community currently planning Projects in 2023?
Please note: training facilities would be considered deeply involved with ongoing projects. Please consider sharing notable upcoming events.
Briefly tell us about them below (one or two sentences)
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.
We are dedicated to developing a more useful platform for our Members and Affiliates. We will reach out to you before making any information shared here public.
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