Zen Peacemaker Affiliate
Peacemaker Gemeinschaft Schweiz
Peacemaker Gemeinschaft Schweiz
Zen practice and spiritual-based social engagement
Tell us a bit about how your group was concieved
It was conceived by Roland and Barbara Wegmüller, who became students of Roshi Bernie Glassman.
How many members do you serve? 150
Tell us about one exciting project, program, or other offering you are currently working on.
Cultural projects with refugees and many others...
How do the Three Tenets inform your social engagement?
The Three Tenets start with deep listening. For instance listening to one of the refugees in the women circle, the healing answer became the start of one of our projects.
What is the most meaningful challenge your organization Faces?
We just go with the flow ;=)
For more information: https://www.peacemaker.ch/kontakt-%C3%BCber-uns/
Peacemaker Gemeinschaft Schweiz -