Zen Peacemaker Affiliate
village zendo
Village Zendo
To provide a way for realizing a life of awareness, wisdom and compassion. We do this by offering training in the teachings of Zen Buddhism and by cultivating and maintaining a practice environment that is supported by teachers and a community of practitioners in the heart of New York City.
Tell us a bit about how your group was concieved
In 1986, a group gathered in Enkyo's apartment to sit zazen and find ways to meet the challenges of the AIDS epidemic. Later homophobia, racism, poverty, criminal justice became our foci.
How many members do you serve? 100
Tell us about one exciting project, program, or other offering you are currently working on.
In criminal justice, we visit prisoners at Sing Sing and at Rikers. We also have a lively solitary confinement writers group, communicating with many prisoners in the US.
How do the Three Tenets inform your social engagement?
When working for release of aging prisoners: we begin by not knowing how to approach the legislators, and so we listen to these lawmakers, their struggles, we serve as witness to the difficulties of changing laws, and finally, we help them to make the right decision, thus creating a path for justice for aging prisoners.
What is the most meaningful challenge your organization Faces?
Our challenge is to balance the very real suffering around us, the many needs that arise, and also maintain a vibrant, self-sufficient Zen community in an expensive, distracting urban environment.
For more information: willeschutze@rcn.com
Village Zendo -
260 W Broadway, New York, NY 10013