The Rites Preparatory to the Commencement of a Journey

Stephen Billias, published author & former student on Bernie Glassman’s at HOOP, shares a poem with ZPI, starting with what lead to his musings on the piece.
The Seeds of Peacemaking: Interview with Palestinian Holy Land Trust founder Sami Awad and Swiss Roshi Barbara Salaam Wegmuller

In October 2019, an interview was coordinated by Sabine Bartlewski with Sami Awad and ZPI Board Member Roshi Barbara Salaam Angyo Wegmüller at the Zen house in Bern, Switzerland
Retreating Into Auschwitz – a Participant’s Reflection on Raising a Mala

Miriam shares her reflective response to a post about her Mala Campaign she had shared on her social media to raise funds for the Auschwitz Bearing Witness retreat.
To Sit with an Elder: Australian Participant Reflects on the 2019 Native American Bearing Witness Plunge

Struck by a people’s history of trauma alongside great resilience, Sam reflects on the tears and laughter shared among the elders from the Lakota-speaking culture in South Dakota, USA during the Zen Peacemakers 2019 Native American Plunge.
Native Americans Appeal to US Senate to Honor Wounded Knee Massacre Victims and Descendants

WASHINGTON DC, USA. On the 2019 anniversary of the battle of Little Bighorn, Manny and Renee Iron Hawk (two of the Lakota hosts and organizers of the 2019 Zen Peacemakers Bearing Witness Plunge) joined US Rep. Congresswoman Deb Haaland (D-NM1) and a delegation from Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe reservations to petition a […]