Everything is Practice

Dharma Talk 24/07/23 – Richard Warner For the Dharma talk this week I wanted to take up a phrase teacher Richard Herps used in his talk last week. If I remember correctly Roshi Cecilie asked him a good Zen question: ‘What is practice?’ to which he replied: ‘Everything is Practice’. This struck me as a […]
Slow Walking

Camino de Santiago, Astorga, Spain (26.06.2023) On pilgrimage, on walkabout, the destination isn’t really the point. There’s no goal. It’s a conversation with the land, it’s peaks and rivers, the flowers, weather, history, rocks. It’s a conversation with the interior landscape. Slow walking holds not knowing. To race to a destination invites injury and alienation. […]
Fury & Faith

Fury & Faith by Amanda Gorman You will be told this is not a problem, Not your problem. You will be told now is not the time For change to begin, Told that we cannot win. But the point of protest isn’t winning; It’s holding fast to the promise of freedom, Even when fast victory is not […]
Taking Action with Eon Zen

Serving Dinner at the Boulder Shelter for the Homeless Serving and engaging in community is fundamental to Zen practice. The Third Tenet of the Zen Peacemakers is taking action. The action that arises from this practice is a caring action that serves everyone and everything, including yourself, in the whole situation. Through the practice of […]
Memories of Maezumi Roshi

by Bernie GlassmanI first met Maezumi Roshi in 1963. At that time, he was a young Soto monk working in Los Angeles at Zenshuji under Sumi Roshi, then Sokan of North America. I attended a small zazenkai at Zenshuji. Although I had some familiarity with zazen, walking mediation was new for me. So I asked […]
Małgosia Braunek’s “Be” Foundation – Ukraine Update

Dear ZPI Friends Today 1 year passes since the Russian full-scale invasion on Ukraine. As many of you know already on February 27, the first transport of medical supplies collected by our Foundation, Sangha Kanzeon, Blyzkist collective and many friends set off from Warsaw, Poland. Thanks to Your amazing help, hearts, and support from the […]
Sister Mary 0’Sullivan: Gentle Sound

by Monika Jion Winkelmann In these three months of November 2022-2023, Sister Mary, the third person so dear to me, has died. Those who met her, usually in the large foyer of the “Center for Dialogue and Prayer,” in Auschwitz, where the large, international Zenpeacemaker groups were housed, relaxed imperceptibly and smiled. Sister Mary […]
I kept showing up…

by Judith Haran After staying at home for over two years during the pandemic with only a silent spouse and my cats, I was in desperate need of contact with the human race. I’d retired from my job as a psychiatrist in 2019. I had been on the ZPI mailing list for a long […]
Healing the Scars of History

Healing the Scars of History BY LINDSAY KYTE| FEBRUARY 9, 2023 Retreats are being held at Auschwitz, a former plantation, and a site where Indigenous people were massacred. Lindsay Kyte reports on how retreatants are finding freedom from their ancestral pain. Approximately a million people died at the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz II-Birkenau. It was the […]
Mourning the death of my friend Don Singer

Mourning the death of my friend Don Singer by Monika Winkelmann Don Singer has died! I almost want to say that he died “suddenly and unexpectedly”. For me! For me, the death announcement came out of the blue. For himself maybe not at all, maybe he had seen it coming, the death, maybe sometimes […]