Introduction to Meditation Core Trainings with Lisa Gakyo Schaewe
10 April 2023 “Living for one hundred years does not compare with living for one day and arousing determination for the way.” – Eihei Dōgen (永平道元)
Introduction to Council Core Trainings with Genro Gauntt
8 April 2023 Council focuses our intention and energy on the common stories, values, fears, and aspirations that make us human; it reminds us that we are more alike than we are different.
The Three Tenets Core Trainings with Sensei Jim Daikan Bastien
12 June 2023 We can practice and manifest our true selves in every situation and with everything that arises, using the Three Tenets.
Introduction to Meditation Core Trainings with Lisa Gakyo Schaewe
July 10, 2023 We will offer a basic, introductory training in meditation, unattached to any specific tradition, that participants can put into personal practice immediately. It has been said, “Stillness answers every question.” Let’s explore that together. This class can be taken multiple times.
Introduction to Council with Roshi Barbara Salaam Wegmüller
14 August 2023 In Council, we come together in a small group in a profound way. We create a shared liminal space that is safe, confidential, and perhaps sacred.
Introduction to the Three Tenets with Grant Couch
11 September 2023 I will embody Not Knowing, thereby giving up fixed ideas. I will Bear Witness, opening my heart to the joy and suffering of life. I will take Loving Action arising out of not-knowing and bearing witness.
The Art of Appreciative Attention
John Brehm, author of Dharma Talk (Wisdom Publications, 2023) proposes a new way of reading poetry, one where our primary intention is to find greater intimacy with the poem rather than greater understanding of it. Just as a person will relax and come alive when they feel truly seen, poems begin to glow in the light […]
The Inner Work of Age: Shifting from Role to Soul
Even those of us with spiritual practices don’t often connect them to our aging. How do we use the circumstances of age as openings to psychological and spiritual development? How do we do shadow-work in the context of retirement, illness, loss, and mortality? How do we find spiritual practices that lead to expanding our awareness […]
Mindfulness of Mind-Heart and the Five Conditions
When we project conditioning from our past onto the present, we turn a benign moment into something else. The Five Conditions model is a “user-friendly” version of the traditional 5 Aggregates/5 Skandhas system. It’s an extremely helpful tool in clarifying the distinction between our direct experience of reality and the mental projections we add to […]