Entrepreneurship - Well Being
Programa SENTE
SENTE - Mindfulness and Socialemotional Education course applied to schools
Inspired by working with Zen Peacemakers International, the program established a partnership with the State School of Elementary Education Ivo Corseuil, located in the neighborhood Petrópolis/POA

The SENTE Program has been developed in Porto Alegre, Brazil since 2007 in schools covered by the Santa Cecilia UBS. Inspired by working with Zen Peacemakers International, the program established a partnership with the State School of Elementary Education Ivo Corseuil, located in the neighborhood Petrópolis/POA. In 2011, the SENTE Program became part of the Better Living at School Program, coordinated by the Department of Psychiatry of Childhood and Adolescence of UFRGS, through its school consulting activity and the actions of the Basic Health Unit Santa Cecilia, of the Hospital de Clínicas. Living Better at School offers to the schools in the UBS area consultancy and support network for the forwarding of alternatives for the solution of the problems brought by the school and community. Thus, the SENTE Program is currently working in public schools with students and teachers.

We are training public school teachers who implement the program in the classes they work. We develop the program in K-12, that is, in students from kindergarten to high school.

Project Launch Date: January 1, 2007
For more information: contato@infapa.com.br
Zen Peacemakers -
Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil