Zen Peacemaker Affiliate - Food & Shelter Security - Well Being
San Francisco Night Ministry
We meet people wherever they are
The San Francisco Night Ministry increases access to spiritual care and multifaith community – at night, on the phones, and on the streets. We do not judge or convert. We meet people where they are and offer loving presence.

We offer presence, listening, referral services, and basic needs.

Hopelessness paralyzes the spirit, and despair is utterly draining. It can feel impossible, suffocating, and overwhelming. Night Ministers rekindle hope with people – reminding everyone of their basic dignity and goodness – so that folks feel the heart to take the next positive step in their lives. Tending to spiritual needs is essential to human flourishing

Project Launch Date: January 1, 1964
How can people help? We rely entirely on our heart-full donors, foundations, and grants. We do not receive government funding. Donate Here: https://sfnightministry.org/support/
For more information: info@sfnightministry.org
San Francisco Night Ministry
San Francisco, CA