A Life of Praise: Praise as the core expression of Sufism

Shaykha Fariha presents the main tenets of Islamic Sufism, the spiritual genetic code that maintains it as an authentic tradition. The sentence, “La ilahe ilallah Muhammad Rasulallah,” has been transmitted from heart to heart since it was first revealed over 1,400 years ago. This is the key to the Sufi Way.

Shaykha will explore what are some of its meanings and why it is so powerful. She will also talk about what is called the Beautiful Divine Names as vehicles of praise. The presentation will include Sufi chanting and be followed by Q&A, hosted by Roshi Barbara and Roshi Roland Wegmüller.

Zikr: Shaykha Fariha and Abdul-Rahim Nuru Ashki Jerrahi


A Life of Praise: Praise as the core expression of Sufism