A Little Bit Of Zen
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Focusing on Roshi’s new book A Little Bit of Zen and the use of the Three Tenets as a foundation and springboard for discussion. Roshi’s book examines timely and compelling topics through the lens of Zen, as well as memories and reflections of Roshi Bernie Glassman.

Roshi Enkyo serves as Abbot of the Village Zendo. She received priest ordination from Maezumi Roshi and Dharma Transmission and Inka from Bernie Tetsugen Glassman. Roshi Enkyo’s lineage comes through Maezumi Roshi whose teaching was uncommon, bringing together Soto priest training and study of the Rinzai koan system. Moreover, Roshi Glassman’s focus on social engagement and peacemaking underlies much of her vision of Zen practice. Roshi is a Founding Teacher of the Zen Peacemaker Family and her focus is on the expression of Zen through caring, service, and creative response. Her Five Expressions of Zen form the matrix of study at the Village Zendo: Meditation, Study, Communication, Action, and Caring.

Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara (November 24 2020)

A Little Bit Of Zen