Cooking our Lives: Weekend Brunch with Shōun and Daiken
- Zen Peacemakers International
- Subject: Cooking Your Life, Peacemaker Circle
Please bring a dish and join Zen Peacemaker Rev. Daiken Nelson, Sensei and ZPI Executive Director Geoff Shōun O’Keeffe in conversation over a shared meal.
Shōun and Daiken will reflect on their current menus (both literally and figuratively!) and discuss how they are preparing their five main courses – spirituality, knowledge, livelihood, social action, and community.
Rev. Daiken Nelson, Sensei is the founder and director of the Maṇḍala Café, a Food/Training/Employment Nonprofit in New York City.
Our mission is to realize our oneness and relieve suffering through contemplative social action.
190 Valley Vista Lane
Boulder, CO 80302
email: info@zenpeacemakers.org
Phone: (INT +1) 917.633.9550 (USA) Monday – Friday
© 2023 Zen Peacemakers