Introducing ZPI Affiliate: The Order of Clear Mind Zen

To strengthen our planetary network, ZPI will feature newly affiliated groups.     

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Introducing a new ZPI affiliate group:

The Order of Clear Mind Zen

What is your organization’s name?

The Order of Clear Mind Zen.

What is your mission?

We take our mission from the Third Pure Precept: To bring about abundant good for all sentient beings.

Where is your organization based?

Las Cruces, New Mexico with affiliates in Atlanta, California, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

How many regular members do you serve?   40

Tell us a bit about how the group was conceived?

We were founded in 2005 as an Engaged Practice Training Sangha. Our priests and lay members are required to do some form of Engaged Practice regularly.

Tell us about one exciting project, retreat, or other offerings that you are currently working on.

We are currently forming two international women’s groups to focus on the development of strong, engaged priests and lay practitioners. We are also involved in radio programming and publications on a variety of socially engaged programs, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, etc.

How do the Three Tenets inform your social engagement?

Not Knowing: as Master Dogen says, we must drop away self. To do so prepares us to be open to learning

Bearing Witness: our Order focuses on street practice, bearing witness to homelessness, and peacemaking through dialogue and community service. For example follow this link:

Taking Action: the Buddha did not achieve enlightenment and then sit on his butt, he got up off his cushion and taught. We, too believe engaged social action is essential to manifesting the precepts and Bodhisattva Vows.

What is the most meaningful challenge your organization faces?

The pandemic has limited our in-person work and closed axis to sites where we have practiced (detention centers, churches, and temples, etc.) Attendance has also been an issue as a result.

Your main website URL:

Main contact:

Rev. Dr. Harvey Daiho Hilbert, Abbot:

Roshi Harvey Daiho Hibert is an ordained Soto Zen priest and the founding abbot of the Order of Clear Mind Zen and a leader of the Zen community in southern New Mexico. Daiho Roshi received Shukke Tokudo in the year 2000 and received Dharma Transmission in 2005. He began studying Zen in 1966 after being shot in the head in combat in Vietnam. He was featured in a documentary on Vietnam Veterans that aired on both National Public Radio and PBS station KRWG-TV.  You can also learn more about his story on the Story Corps page, as well as his YouTube Channel.

Daiho Roshi holds a Masters and Ph.D. degree from Case Western Reserve University and is a Mensa member. He is also an accomplished painter, teacher, and psychotherapist. His artwork can be seen on

“Gathered together with monks from Nagasaki to extinguish the Atomic Flame.”


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Introducing ZPI Affiliate: The Order of Clear Mind Zen

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