Join us as as we meditate with and learn more about The Lotus Institute, an organization that blends Buddhist teachings with science, movement, music, and art. During this event, we will have an Introduction with Matt Dorma, somatic exercises led by Mona Abutaleb, a guided meditation with Peggy Ward, a talk on the 3 Pillars presented by Larry Ward, and an interactive Q&A with everyone.
Unsere Aufgabe ist es, durch kontemplatives soziales Handeln unser Einssein zu verwirklichen und Leiden zu lindern.
190 Valley Vista Lane
Boulder, CO 80302
E-Mail: info@zenpeacemakers.org
Telefon: (INT +1) 917.633.9550 (USA) Montag – Freitag
© 2023 Zen Peacemakers