One Million Truths
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One Million Truths features the testimonies of Black Americans who speak of their experiences with race in America.

Mark Eckhardt, as a Black American and Zen priest, came up with the idea for One Million Truths during the George Floyd protests, not long after writing a social media post on MLK Day. His passionate post documented his experience as a Black man in America and he was subsequently surprised by the reactions of his white friends who were shocked or in awe. The platform, based on user-generated content, will capture stories told by people who lived through Jim Crow, segregation, and so much more. The goal is to ensure Black American voices are never dismissed again and that this moment is documented in history. It taps into the power of widespread personal testimony to effect change and become a personal part of America’s history. The objective of the website is to generate social, scalable proof too big for the moderate bystander to dismiss while breaking down barriers, educating, and creating allies. Black Americans can submit their testimonies 24/7.

One Million Truths