Reflections on Awakening and Maturity
- Presenter: Genjo Marinello
- Subject: Peacemaker Circle, Practice
The path towards individuation, awakening, and maturity is impossible without companions. For better and worse, our maturation depends on our relationship with significant family members, teachers, and mentors. If we are lucky, we will find spiritual guides that mirror our shortcomings while being honest about their own, pointing the way towards tapping wisdom and expressing compassion. A big part of any spiritual companion relationship is assessing where we are in our own unfolding spiritual journey, where we have been, and where we may need to deepen or explore.
This talk will explore Genjō’s new book Reflections on Awakening & Maturity for Spiritual Companions (2021) on this subject. He will share some anecdotes about his journeys with his spiritual mentors and guides, revealing some of the lessons he has gleaned along the Way.
Our mission is to realize our oneness and relieve suffering through contemplative social action.
190 Valley Vista Lane
Boulder, CO 80302
email: info@zenpeacemakers.org
Phone: (INT +1) 917.633.9550 (USA) Monday – Friday
© 2023 Zen Peacemakers