The Three Tenets Core Trainings with Sensei Jim Daikan Bastien
- Presenter: Sensei Jim Daikan Bastien
- Subject: Core Trainings, The Three Tenets
Bernie Glassman articulated the Three Tenets of the Zen Peacemakers early in the evolution of the organization. But these three, simple, profound, vows or commitments can also be taken as a complete practice for our life: I will embody Not Knowing, thereby giving up fixed ideas. I will Bear Witness, opening my heart to the joy and suffering of life. I will take Loving Action arising out of not-knowing and bearing witness. We can practice and manifest our true selves in every situation and with everything that arises, using the Three Tenets.
Onze missie is het realiseren van onze eenheid en het verlichten van lijden door contemplatieve sociale actie.
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Boulder, CO 80302
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