Tell us a bit about how your group was concieved
Sensei James Daikan Bastien
Zen Peacemaker Order
Sensei James Daikan Bastien is a Dharma Successor of Roshi Bernard Tetsugen Glassman, Founder of the Zen Peacemaker Order. In addition, Daikan is a Zen teacher (Sensei) and a member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association and the White Plum Asanga an association of Zen teachers in the lineage of Taizan Maezumi Roshi. Daikan serves on the Board of Directors of the the Orange County Restorative Justice Center, is a Certified iRest Yoga NidraTeacher and a Licensed Independent Clinical Worker (LICSW). In addition, Daikan founded Mindfulway Counseling Services, LLC., and is a Certified Mindfulness Teacher at the professional (CMT-P) level by the International Mindfulness Teachers Association and a Core Faculty member of the Engaged Mindfulness Institute (EMI) that trains and certifies mindfulness teachers to work with at risk and underserved populations.