Tell us about one exciting project, program, or other offering you are currently working on.
We believe that in order to bring a more compassionate view into health care, we have to train physicians and nurse practitioners across the country. NYZC partners with the University of Arizona Medical School’s, Center for Integrative Medicine Fellowship Training program. In this way we provide curriculum and instruction around contemplative care practices for the country’s leading integrative physicians and nurse practitioners. Teaching appointments include the Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine in San Diego, the University of Texas Health Science Center of Houston Medical School and have taught at Sophia University in Tokyo and Kyoto University in Japan, Brown and Harvard Medical Schools and many others. Masters in Bhuddist Studies: New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care along with New York Theological Seminary created a dynamic and clinically oriented Buddhist track of studies within NYTS Master of Pastoral Care and Counseling degree program. We are delighted to extend this offering with NYTS to those interested in integrating Buddhist studies and practice into their professional or non-professional training path.