Q&A Session for Native American Bearing Witness Retreat 2022
- Zen Peacemakers International
- Subject: Bearing Witness, Native American
A Q&A Session for Native American Bearing Witness Retreat 2022
Wolakota Makasintomni Awachekiyapi Praying for Sacred Harmony and Worldwide Peace
Zen Peacemakers International has been conducting retreats following the principles of Not Knowing, Bearing Witness, and Taking Action in Auschwitz, Rwanda, and the Black Hills since 1996. This program is a continuation of this rich legacy and part of our dedication to growing in connection with the indigenous communities of Turtle Island. This year, this enriching experience will take place from Sunday, July 3 through Saturday, July 9, in person in Spearfish, South Dakota, and Devil's Tower, Wyoming, west of Rapid City.
In preparation for this in-person retreat, ZPI Executive Director Geoff O'Keeffe will hold a free Question and Answer session for ZPI members. The session will cover the intention of the event, itinerary, program, logistics, planning, and registration. Please join us for an opportunity to ask questions and learn more.
המשימה שלנו היא לממש את האחדות שלנו ולהקל על הסבל באמצעות פעולה חברתית מהורהרת.
190 Valley Vista Lane
בולדר, CO 80302
דוא"ל: info@zenpeacemakers.org
טלפון: (INT +1) 917.633.9550 (ארה"ב) שני – שישי
© 2023 Zen Peacemakers