Sharing a Meal with Hungry Hearts

SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, USA. Most nights, people line up outside of the Santa Fe homeless shelter, Pete’s Place, well before the glass doors stretch open for dinner at 6 p.m. For dozens of people, “Pete’s” (formerly the Pete’s Pets building on Cerrillos Road in Santa Fe, now the Interfaith Community Shelter) is a winter emergency shelter that offers nourishment and beds, as well as community and safety.

ZPI Members Complete NYC Street Retreat, Sep 15-18

NEW YORK CITY, NY USA. For four days and three nights, I [Jesse Jiryu Davis] led a small group who chose to be homeless. In preparation, we raised a few thousand dollars to donate to homeless services, then we left behind our wallets and phones and all possessions, and joined to live on the streets together.


STAND ON THE LEG YOU DON’T KNOW CAN HOLD YOU by Roshi Eve Myonen Marko February 2nd, 2016   I continue to watch closely as my husband, Bernie, does physical therapy to strengthen the right side of his body, afflicted by the stroke that sent blood coursing through the left side of his brain. He […]

Glimpses of Malgosia Braunek by Eve Marko

I feel I had but glimpses of her. No experience of the movie actor (though I heard a lot about it), the daughter, the wife, the mother, the grandmother, or even for that matter the Zen teacher, though I sat with her in the Kanzeon zendo behind the family home in Warsaw. Yes, faint pictures of her bending over a pot of soup on the kitchen stove while we waited at the table, looking up with a brief, inquisitive smile as her daughter Orinka came in. There were a few meals at Krakow and Warsaw restaurants, and one memory of her at a hotel in Kazimierz Dolny wearing a long red dress and the hotel owner bent low over her outstretched hand as though she was royalty, which at times it felt she was.

Bearing Witness Day of Reflection at the Flight 93 Memorial

Please join Zen Peacemaker minister, Anthony Stultz, for a Bearing Witness Day of Reflection at the Flight 93 Memorial and Memorial Chapel, August 16, 2014. Tony was a chaplain to the victim families of Flight 93 and along with three other clergy, performed the burial at the national memorial in 2011 ( see ‘the One […]