Zen Peacemakers
Core Trainings

Many in our community belong to local practice centers in various traditions where training is available. Others have elected to join the Zen Peacemaker Order two-year training program. With our Zen Peacemaker Core Trainings offering, we want to make the very most important and fundamental Zen Peacemaker practices of meditation, Council, and the Three Tenets easily available to everyone. These Core Trainings are free, offered at different times to support work and school schedules, and repeated quarterly. These can be taken à la carte and repeated as you wish.

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Intro to The Way of Council
The Three Tenets
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genro headshot
Introduction to the Way of Council
Genro is a Founding Teacher of the Zen Peacemaker Order and a dharma successor of Roshi Bernie Glassman. He leads street retreats wherever invited and co-leads a variety of bearing witness retreats internationally. His home practice place is the Hudson River Peacemaker Center in Yonkers, New York.
Core Training Instructor
Eve Marko
Introduction to Zen Peacemaking
Eve Marko is a Founding Teacher of the Zen Peacemaker Order and head teacher at the Green River Zen Center in Massachusetts. She received dharma transmission and inka from Bernie Glassman. She is also a writer and editor of fiction and nonfiction.

Eve has trained spiritually-based social activists and peacemakers in the US, Europe and the Middle East, and has been a Spiritholder at retreats bearing witness to genocide at Auschwitz-Birkenau, Rwanda, and the Black Hills in South Dakota. Before that she worked at the Greyston Mandala, which provides housing, child care, jobs, and AIDS-related medical services in Yonkers, New York.
Core Trainings Instructor
The Three Tenets
Sensei James Daikan Bastien, began his Zen training at the Nebraska Zen Center in Omaha, Nebraska in 1979. In 1990, Daikan began training with Zen Master Soeng Hyang in the Kwan Um School of Zen. In 2005, he was asked to serve as the Chief Operating Officer of Zen Peacemakers, Inc., by Roshi Bernie Glassman from whom he received Dharma Transmission in March of 2011. Daikan recieved transmission as a Lay Preceptor in the Zen Peacemaker Order by Roshi Eve Myonen Marko in August of 2011. He is the Guiding Teacher of Howling Dragon Zendo in West Brookfield Vermont.
Core Training Instructor
Introduction to Meditation
Lisa Gakyo Schaewe Lisa Gakyo Schaewe, is a senior student and practice leader in the White Plum Zen lineage with Eon Zen Center in Boulder.

With the American Red Cross, she provides disaster mental health support and facilitates mindfulness and resiliency trainings.
Core Training Instructor

Core Trainings

Introduction to Meditation


“Living for one hundred years does not compare with living for one day and arousing determination for the way.”

– Eihei Dōgen (永平道元)

We will offer a basic, introductory training in meditation, unattached to any specific tradition, that participants can put into personal practice immediately. It has been said, “Stillness answers every question.” Let’s explore that together. This class can be taken multiple times.

Introduction to
The Way of Council


In this Introduction, we will briefly present the history of Council, explain the guidelines we use, and then experience a short Council session.

Council, as it is referred to in short, is a modern practice derived from indigenous traditions, most importantly Native American, and developed by the Ojai Foundation.

The Three Tenets


In our hour-long session, we will present and describe the Three Tenets and have time to take your questions.

Introduction to Peacemaking


In our hour-long session, we will present and describe our unique approach to peacemaking and have time to take your questions.

Core Trainings Instructors

Jorge Koho Mello
Jorge Koho Mello
Jorge Koho Mello is ordained in the Soto Zen tradition by Coen Souza Rōshi (2008, Brazil), Shusso by Junnyu Kuroda Rōshi (2019, Japan), and Sensei at ZPO by Barbara Salaam Wegmüller Rōshi (2018, Switzerland).
Koho is an experienced Street Retreat leader and as participant/buddhist officiant at Auschwitz-Birkenau BW retreat.
Jorge Koho Mello
Core Trainings Instructor
Eve Marko
Eve Marko
Eve Marko is a Founding Teacher of the Zen Peacemaker Order and head teacher at the Green River Zen Center in Massachusetts. She received dharma transmission and inka from Bernie Glassman. She is also a writer and editor of fiction and nonfiction.

Eve has trained spiritually-based social activists and peacemakers in the US, Europe and the Middle East, and has been a Spiritholder at retreats bearing witness to genocide at Auschwitz-Birkenau, Rwanda, and the Black Hills in South Dakota. Before that she worked at the Greyston Mandala, which provides housing, child care, jobs, and AIDS-related medical services in Yonkers, New York.
Eve Marko
Core Trainings Instructor
Dr. Iris Dotan Katz
Iris Dotan Katz
Dr. Iris Dotan Katz is a senior clinical psychologist, peace advocate, and women's empowerment leader. With over 27 years of experience, she combines therapy, organisational development, and spiritual practices to promote reconciliation and social change. Dr. Katz actively engages in peace organisations, fostering dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians through compassion and prayer.
Iris Dotan Katz
Roshi Barbara Salaam Wegmuller
Roshi Barbara Salaam Wegmüller has been a student of dreamwork, Sufism, Zen and Tibetan Buddhism and dharma successor of Bernie Glassman.  Since 2005 she has been a spirit holder at Zen Peacemakers Auschwitz-Birkenau Bearing Witness Retreat as well as a leader and participant in the Zen Peacemakers retreats in Rwanda, the Black Hills and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Together with her husband Roshi Roland Yakushi Wegmüller, She is facilitating the Spiegel Sangha in Switzerland, and serves the local Swiss and refugee community.
Roshi Barbara Salaam Wegmuller
Core Trainings Instructor
genro headshot
Grover Genro Gauntt
Genro is a Founding Teacher of the Zen Peacemaker Order and a dharma successor of Roshi Bernie Glassman. He leads street retreats wherever invited and co-leads a variety of bearing witness retreats internationally. His home practice place is the Hudson River Peacemaker Center in Yonkers, New York.
Grover Genro Gauntt
Core Trainings Instructor
Lisa Gakyo Schaewe
Lisa Gakyo Schaewe Lisa Gakyo Schaewe, is a senior student and practice leader in the White Plum Zen lineage with Eon Zen Center in Boulder.

With the American Red Cross, she provides disaster mental health support and facilitates mindfulness and resiliency trainings.
Lisa Gakyo Schaewe
Core Trainings Instructor
Jim Daikan Bastien
Sensei James Daikan Bastien, began his Zen training at the Nebraska Zen Center in Omaha, Nebraska in 1979. In 1990, Daikan began training with Zen Master Soeng Hyang in the Kwan Um School of Zen. In 2005, he was asked to serve as the Chief Operating Officer of Zen Peacemakers, Inc., by Roshi Bernie Glassman from whom he received Dharma Transmission in March of 2011. Daikan recieved transmission as a Lay Preceptor in the Zen Peacemaker Order by Roshi Eve Myonen Marko in August of 2011. He is the Guiding Teacher of Howling Dragon Zendo in West Brookfield Vermont.
Jim Daikan Bastien
Core Training Instructor
Grant Couch
In a 2010 Bearing Witness Retreat in Auschwitz, Grant Couch began working closely with Bernie Glassman. As a Zen Peacemaker Board Member, Grant is focused on finding a bi-partisan solution to the challenging nexus of energy and global warming while never taking his eyes off the need for America to face its racial history and trauma.
Sensei Grant Fuku Couch
Core Training Instructor
Michel Engu Dobbs, Roshi
Michel Engu Dobbs
Engu is a Zen priest and Abbot at the Ocean Zendo in Sag Harbor, NY and Dharma heir of Peter Muryo Matthiessen Roshi. He has taught meditation to incarcerated minors at the Suffolk County Correctional Facility in Riverhead since 2012.
Michel Engu Dobbs, Roshi
Core Training Instructor
kathleen battke
Kathleen Hoetsu Battke
Hoêtsu has been practicing with the Zen Peacemakers since 2011. She is a Dharma holder for the Zen of the Circle, a member of the Zen Peacemaker Order, chairwoman of the association Peacemaker Community Germany e.V. Kathleen Hoêtsu writes/publishes, leads workshops and accompanies people/organizations in change.
Kathleen Hoetsu Battke
Core Training Instructor

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