RAPID CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA, USA. This past weekend the planning group for this year's upcoming Native American Plunge came together in Rapid City, South Dakota, USA to listen, pray, share hearts & begin the process of selecting dates, locations and activities for the annual ZPI event.
We will meet in Northern Wyoming Monday, June 22nd through Friday June 26th, 2020 with plans to visit sacred Lakota sites, Bear Witness to their histories & come together as a community of peacemakers across cultures. More details with registration opening will be shared in the weeks to come.
“This weekend’s gathering felt like family from the first moments I arrived. The love, connection, trust, caring and shared history among organizers (and grandchildren!) were immediately palpable and alive. Our retreat has already begun.” – Geoff O’Keeffe, ZPI Executive Director
Attending this working session were Violet Catches, Manny Iron Hawk, Renee Fast Horse Iron Hawk, Tuffy and Alice Sierra, Eve Myonen Marko, Grover Genro Gauntt, Michel Engu Dobbs, Rami Efal and Geoff O’Keeffe.
We extend an invitation to all those who are interested in joining this year’s Native American Plunge to visit our website for more information & save the date for the next gathering.
תגובה אחת
Tổ chức sửa chữa trị máy giặt tại nhà. https://www.instagram.com/vuphuonglam82vpl