Thich Nhat Hanh’s Vision for Mindfulness in Public Health
- Presenter: Brother Pháp Lưu
- Subject: Peacemaker Circle, Social Engagement
Brother Pháp Lưu, a monk ordained by Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh (or Thầy, which means “teacher) within the International Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism, will share how Thầy’s efforts to bring about global, collective awakening among humankind not only sows seeds of peace; it supports the emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical health and wellbeing of people who practice meditation and mindfulness regularly. The talk is based on a 13-week class taking place September 21 through December 14 (website and class materials list here. Parallax Press is offering a 40 percent discount on those titles in support of the class) Brother Pháp Lưu is teaching this class as part of the three-month Rains Retreat at Deer Park Monastery in Escondido, California. The talks are being shared on Deer Park’s YouTube page.
Our mission is to realize our oneness and relieve suffering through contemplative social action.
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