Zen Peacemaker Affiliate - Climate Change - Interfaith
Building a grassroots, multi-faith movement for climate justice
Around the globe, the impacts of climate change are hitting harder. Fires, severe storms, droughts, and floods are displacing millions of people. These impacts break our hearts. They do grave harm to the planet and the human family. They call us to bear witness from a place of stillness and determination, compassion and justice.

Our Theory of Change

People of faith make up over 80% percent of the world’s population.

Our religions teach us to care for the earth and each other; we seek to live by these values. Right now, however, the world is deeply out of balance and we are frightened and concerned. The most vulnerable among us are suffering while ineffective or authoritarian governments, polluting and extractive industries and extremist cultural and religious forces place our planet at great risk.

Project Launch Date: January 1, 1995
How can people help? We offer a series of introductory calls to connect with you, share how we work, and to start building skills and knowledge together.
For more information: info@greenfaith.org
Affiliate -
New York, NY, USA