Zen Peacemaker Affiliate - Human Rights - Well Being
Zen House of Spiegel Sangha
We are involved with Guerilla Yoga Bern, supporting many different projects by donating money during the summer month, for many years. Involved with "Beim Namen Nennen" A project to raise awareness for the refugee crisis. This project is big and many groups are part of it. As a teacher, I support people who study with me doing their projects around the world...It belongs to the practice of a Zen Peacemaker.

Peacemaker Gemeinschaft Schweiz is an Umbrella Organization for Zen Peacemaker affiliate groups in Switzerland, hosting a variety of events. Our primary groups are the Spiegel Sangha, led by Roshis Roland & Barbara Wegmüller, the Aare Zendo led by Roshi Roland Wegmuller, and a sitting group in St. Gallen led by Franziska Schneider.

Guerilla Yoga Bern

Beim Namen Nennen




For more information: info@peacemaker.ch
Affiliate -
Bern, Switzerland