The Gifts and Burdens of Legacy
- Presenter: Rabbi Victor Gross and Rabbi Nadya Gross
- Subject: Interfaith, Peacemaker Circle
Please join Rabbi Victor Gross and Rabbi Nadya Gross, founders of Yerusha.
Yerusha (Hebrew: legacy) was founded to carry the legacies of our teachers and build a legacy for future generations. Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi was a primary teacher and inspired our work in Deep Ecumenism (the idea that we can best serve the needs of humanity and the planet through participatory engagement with other faiths and traditions). We will explore how one carries the legacy of a great teacher into the future, honoring their teaching while remaining authentic to oneself and the changing needs and sensitivities of the present. After a brief presentation of Reb Zalman’s gift of Deep Ecumenism and our work with it, we will open to a discussion of the concept and a broader look at the legacies we all carry.
Our mission is to realize our oneness and relieve suffering through contemplative social action.
190 Valley Vista Lane
Boulder, CO 80302
Phone: (INT +1) 917.633.9550 (USA) Monday – Friday
© 2023 Zen Peacemakers