Retreat Day Five.
By Acharya Fleet Shunryu Maull, Roshi.
Today was quite different than the preceding three days of visiting genocide memorial sites. This morning we visited a TIG prison farm and camp in the Bugesera district about an hour outside of Kigali. Faced with prosecuting and imprisoning hundreds of thousands of accused genocide perpetrators, the Rwandan government decided to implement a traditional community justice process called Gaccaca, updated with some elements of modern jurisprudence. The government’s main focus has been unity and reconciliation rather than punishment. Faced with rebuilding a country from the ashes of genocide and civil war, they simply could not afford to imprison hundreds of thousands of able body workers. They also wanted people to somehow find a way to make peace and move forward as a country. Prisoners who are willing to admit their crimes and give information about where victims are buried, what properties have been destroyed or stolen, etc. have been processed through the Gaccaca courts. They are then sentenced to the TIG community service prisons, where they work farms, build houses for the poor and refugees, build roads and schools, etc. They can spend up to 3 days a week at home with their families and working to support their families, but most elect to spend more days in the work camps, because the days at home don’t count for their sentence. While in the work camps they received education aimed at helping them reintegrate into the community, where they will be neighbors again with the families of those they have killed. Once they have finished their sentence, they are released to the community with no conditions. When the Gaccaca court process is finished (it’s nearing completion now), Rwanda will have brought vastly more genocide perpetrators to justice than in any other genocide.
TIG prisoners in dialog with retreat participants (above).
The survivors have mixed feelings about Gaccaca and the TIG camps. Many recognize that it was necessary for the country, but consider it a necessary evil. They appreciate that the process has helped them locate the remains of the loved ones in order to give them proper burials and services, but many also feel that the process lets the killers off too easy or that many killers confess their crimes simply to get lighter sentences without any contrition. Other survivors are more supportive of the process. It really depends on who you ask.
TIG prisoners (above).
After touring the vast cassava plantation we visited the camp where the prisoners live and where some of them work in a sewing shop making clothing for all the TIG camps. This TIG prison farm has 700 prisoners, 38 of them female and the rest male. At the camp we sat down for a dialog with a group of about 25 prisoners. The first several who spoke blamed the genocide and their actions on the bad political leaders. As we continued, several acknowledged that they new they were doing evil things, but they did so our of fear for their own lives, either because they has been convinced to fear the Tutsis or because they fear the government would kill them if they didn’t participate in the genocide. A number of the prisoners expressed gratitude to the present government, one named President Paul Gagame in particular, for not taking a retributive approach, for allowing the to live and be rehabilitated. Several said that they thought they would be killed for sure in retribution or punishment for what they had done. While some seemed to express genuine contrition or a genuine desire to live peacefully with the Tutsis, it was hard to tell what was really going on under the surface. The prisoners we met with were for the most part very uneducated, very poor people, and appeared traumatized themselves. I could easily imagine how they had been manipulated by the leaders of the genocide to participate, but is still hard to understand how the descended into such barbarism and savagery. The atrocities committed during the genocide are really beyond the imagination. They didn’t just kill people, they brutally tortured, humiliated and in many cases mutilated people. In many cases, family members were forced to watch their loved ones being raped, tortured and mutilated, or even to kill their owned loved ones. Although, it is fairly clear to me that fear is the root cause, I still can’t understand how such senseless savagery arises in people, even people manipulated and conditioned with genocide ideology and propaganda. I have to keep reminding myself though that this manipulation and conditioning had been going on since 1959. The Hutu extremists had been preparing the population for genocide for a long time, including waves of ethnic cleansing, pogroms, and smaller scale genocides that led up to the the 1994 genocide.
We spent the afternoon in much more pleasant surroundings at the Kimisagara Youth Center, a community center now under the government’s ministry of youth programs that involves some 30 different organizations and sports clubs, including the Esperance street football program ( . We met with young people of all ages, heard inspiring choral performances by young girls in “Mom’s” singing group, and held peace circles with some of the older youth. We also donated 400 notebooks for the school children and about a dozen new soccer balls. We have an ongoing partnership with the Kimisagara Youth Center, helping them establish the peace (council or listening) circles as a peace building and community development tool for their youth leaders.
Genro, Cassidy, Fleet and Mike with the amazing Rwandan vocal artist affectionately known as “Mom,” who teaches music and singing to the children at the youth center. We saw and heard Mom perform at several of the national commemoration events.
Playing fields at Kimisagara Youth Center (above and below).
Peace Circles with Bearing Witness Retreat participants and young people from the Kimisagara Youth Center (above and below).