Poem from Ukraine
Bitburg – September 2022 Grandma Ida sent letters and money to her family in Poland ― or was it Ukraine? Until the letters came back stamped, Undelivered. The addressees had been delivered, and the entire town disappeared. In Bitburg, last fall, her grandson paid a visit to the well festooned section of cemetery […]
To strengthen our planetary network, ZPI will feature newly affiliated groups. Join us here on the Hive to explore some of the offerings of the organizations affiliated with ZPI. Introducing a new ZPI affiliate group: What is your mission? To nurture new definitions of community and the changing roles within, by celebrating the unique […]
Not Your Typical Rabbi: A Sit-down with Sensei Don Singer
Rabbi Don Ani Shalom Singer draws upon his Judaic roots and Eastern teachings to explore the wisdom of the heart. originally published by Linda Rubin. Click here Known as the Zen Rabbi because his teachings blend Hasidic tales and Zen stories called koans, Don Ani Shalom Singer is not your father’s rabbi. A Sensei who […]
Bernie Glassman Dharma Talk: Holy Week in the Streets
NEW YORK, USA. I go on the streets at other times of the year, too, and each occasion is special in its own way, but the streets feel different during Holy Week. The re-memberance and caring that spring to life during that time are unmistakable and unforgettable.
Eve Marko Reports on Trip to Israel: Africa in Tel Aviv; West Bank
Originally published on June 29, 2013 BALADY I’m in a taxi going to Checkpoint 300 in order to enter Bethlehem and visit with Sami Awad, head of Holy Land Trust. The checkpoint is gone, replaced by the big Separation Wall, which is yellow-gray on the Israeli side and awash with graffiti demanding an end to […]
Helsinki, Finland Street Retreat
Helsinki, Finland Street Retreat 7–10 September 2022 A few weeks ago, I lived on the streets for a couple of days with an inter-faith group of Peacemakers in Helsinki. We did this without money, without phones, begging for food, and sleeping on cardboard in parks and abandoned lots. We also visited homeless shelters to bear […]
Tricycle: The Buddhist Review – Zen Peacemakers Archive
An American Zen Master has died: An oral history of Roshi Bernie Glassman
By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor, CNN Religion Editor Updated 5:16 PM EST, Thu December 6, 2018 CNN — One of Bernie Glassman’s favorite koans asks: Where do you step from the top of a 100-foot pole? His answer seemed to be: You plunge. Glassman, who died November 4 at age 79, was a Brooklyn-born Jew, a […]
Bernie Glassman Passes Away
Except: Originally Published in TRICYCLE (November 4, 2018) The influential Buddhist teacher was a pioneer of Zen in the West who blended his spiritual practice with a passion for social activism. The influential Zen teacher and activist Roshi Tetsugen Bernie Glassman died Sunday morning in Massachusetts. He was 79. The Zen Peacemakers, a global organization integrating […]
The End
The end begins on a sunny day at Shea Stadium, the Spring of 1972, the bosses secretary liked me, offered me two tickets or Saturday afternoon, a Mets game. I loved the idea of taking my father, the opportunity to return a gift, symbolically, a token of appreciation for some of the most […]