Ruanda: Testimonio

Ruanda: Testimonio Círculos de esperanza: el trabajo continuo de curar el trauma genocida en Ruanda Thérèse Uwitonze, psicóloga clínica y especialista en trauma de Ruanda, y Roshi Barbara Wegmüller, profesor fundador de la Orden Zen Peacemaker en Europa de Spiegel, Suiza , se reunió durante el Retiro de testimonio de Zen Peacemakers Rwanda en 2014. […]


Comunidad Zen Peacemakers “Hay un llamado que brota de mi corazón que exige que se actúe… el impulso de ser parte de la fuerza sanadora en el mundo. « Marja – canadá ASISTE A EVENTOS DE ZPI Y GRUPOS AFILIADOS GLOBALES Asistir a reuniones de pacificadores, paneles, círculos de intercambio y cursos de formación sobre […]

Practica diaria

Practica diaria Enseñanzas esenciales de Dogen Los antepasados de Buda han dicho desde la antigüedad: «Vivir cien años no se compara con vivir un día y despertar la determinación del camino». Incluso cuando no esté seguro, no use este día de manera inútil. Es un tesoro raro de valorar. No lo compares con una joya […]

Re-introducing ZPI Affiliate: Peacemakers Finland

To strengthen our planetary network, ZPI will feature newly affiliated groups.      Join us here at  to explore some of the offerings of the organizations affiliated with ZPI. Sharing the peacemaking activities of a long-time ZPI affiliate group: Peacemakers Finland Peacemakers Finland (PF) is one of the regional Affiliate groups of Zen Peacemakers International operating in […]

Nollaig na mBan – Irish Women’s Christmas: Bearing Witness to Resilience and Sexual Violence

KIPPURE, IRELAND. Niamh Barrett, impacted by the injustices of sexual violence against female body, both current and historically, felt called to provide space to commemorate those who were harmed, to support discussion around the sensitive topic. What follows is Niamh’s personal reflection discussing a particular emotive event that offered her the necessary ‘ingredients’ to host a Bearing […]

Introducing ZPI Affiliate Groups: Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community

To strengthen our planetary network, ZPI will feature newly affiliated groups.  Join to explore the offerings of the organizations affiliated with ZPI, and visit our website for a full list of these groups.  Following is an introduction to Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community in Vermont, United States.

Roshi Bernie Glassman Memorialized Around the World

Following the passing of Zen Peacemakers founder Roshi Bernie Glassman, many memorial ceremonies were conducted by ZPI affiliate groups, successors and the greater buddhist community around the world. Here we highlight a few.