Planning This Summer’s Native American Bearing Witness Plunge: Report from Rapid City South Dakota

Above, L to R: Manny Iron Hawk, Renee Fast Horse Iron Hawk, Violet Catches. Back: Genro Gauntt, Rami Efal

RAPID CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA USA. This past weekend Roshi Genro Gauntt and ZPI Executive Director Rami Efal met with Manny Iron Hawk, Renee Fast Horse Iron Hawk and Violet Catches, the three main hosts for the Zen Peacemakers Native American Bearing Witness Plunge, July 15-19, 2018.  Roshi Eve Marko and Sensei Michel Engu Dobbs will be attending as well.

This year we plan to visit Ft. Laramie and Wounded Knee: the former being the location of the signing of two historic treaties between the US government and the Native American nations, and ​t​he latter the location of the 1890 massacre ​that often symbolizes the breaking of these treaties.

This is the fourth year Zen Peacemakers will return to Bear Witness with our Native American hosts.  In these next three years we plan similar ‘plunges’ centered around the Seven Sacred sites surrounding the Black Hills, grounded in the land, ceremony and storytelling.  More information will be posted soon.


Summary Report on the 2017 Zen Peacemakers Native American Summer Programs

Zen Peacemakers Complete Bearing Witness at Cheyenne River Indian Reservation, South Dakota USA (2016)


Eve Marko and Genro Gauntt thanking Manny Iron Hawk, 2017
Chief Arvol Looking Horse, L, with Genro Gauntt, R.


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Planning This Summer’s Native American Bearing Witness Plunge: Report from Rapid City South Dakota

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