Eve Marko Dharma Talk: Turning Points
by Roshi Eve Myonen Marko (This talk was given by Eve in a one-day retreat on January 14, 2011 the day before Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday.) We’ve dedicated this one-day retreat to Martin Luther King, Jr., whose birthday we celebrate tomorrow. I want to talk about a particular night in King’s life, a dark […]
Eve Marko Dharma Talk: What to Talk About
by Eve Myonen Marko (From a talk given on June 13, 2009.) Whether we know it or not, we develop our own life’s collection of koans. Here is one of mine: Eve asked Zen Master Bernie early one morning, “What should I speak about today?” Zen Master Bernie asked, “The way we make love?” Appreciatory […]
Zen Peacemakers Rule and Precepts
The Three Treasures, The Three Tenets, The Ten Practices, The Four Commitments and The Bodhisattva Vow serve as the foundation for the Zen Peacemaker work and practice. One may pursue their study with a teacher and/preceptor. Three Treasures of a Zen Peacemaker Recognizing my place in the Circle of Life, I take refuge in: […]
Bernie Glassman Dharma Talk: Issan Dorsey
YONKERS, NEW YORK, USA. I think of Issan Dorsey as the shadow in many people’s lives. He was a drug addict, he was gay, he appeared in drag, and he died of AIDS…When he died, a Zen teacher and priest, he was still befriending and caring for those whom our society rejected then and continues to reject now, people ill with the AIDS virus.
Gate of Sweet Nectar Liturgy
Zen Peacemakers Order, liturgy for the Gate of Sweet Nectar ceremony.
Buddhism, Activism and Not Knowing: A Day with Bernie Glassman
“His is a particularly good story: a Jewish boy from Brighton Beach becomes head priest of a major branch of Japanese Soto Zen, then contributes to a worldwide shift in the practice of Buddhism–from a religion of contemplative retreat and devotion to one that plunges into direct engagement with society’s discarded people, places, and problems.”
Bernie Glassman Dharma Talk: A House of One People
MONTAGUE, MASSACHUSETTS, USA. “The House of One People will be not only a space where people of different religions will dialogue or hold joint celebrations, but also where all of us, while upholding our separate paths, will be one people. It will be a place where unity is simply the manifestation of difference.”