Pearls of Ash & Awe – Readings from AschePerlen

Pearls of Ash & Awe—AschePerlen is a book that documents 20 Years of Bearing Witness in Auschwitz with Bernie Glassman & Zen Peacemakers. During this event, several of the authors will read their – or other – testimonies from the book. After reading, we will take time to share in a mindful way. You will […]

Introduction to the Practice of Feeding Your Demons

please join Acharya Karla Jackson-Brewer for this interactive presentation This presentation will provide an introduction to the Feeding Your Demons process, created by Lama Tsultrim Allione. Karla will provide a brief introduction to the process, and then guide members through the 5 step process that transforms obstacles (demons) into allies. For more information and further training […]

Haiku Poetry: a Bearing Witness Practice

Our founding masters of Japanese haiku often wrote about moments of quiet wonder observed in the natural world that we still find, centuries later, delightfully transcendent. This lineage also gave us poems that were quite socially engaged – work that revealed the human experience, especially around the existence of suffering. Come explore how a bearing […]

Literacy and Justice for All

Literature generously provides us with opportunities to make meaningful connections and expand perspectives – creating mirrors, windows, revolving doors, and bridges. Dr. Rajni Shankar-Brown will illuminate the transformative power of literature and discuss current social justice issues including rising book bans in public schools and challenges facing public libraries. In addition, highlights on her equity […]

Practice Within Circumstances

Charles Tenshin Fletcher, Roshi will discuss practice and its many forms: Lineage approaches, societal approaches, and the challenges we face today as practitioners living in this crazy world. Duration: 90 minutes Format: Talk, followed by Q&A.

Zen Peacemakers Europe – History and Heart

Join us for a panel discussion on how Bernie Glassman’s legacy lives in Europe and has many different facets, from the North to the South, from Sweden to Germany to Switzerland to Portugal…. Speakers: Undine Bissmeier, Barbara Salaam Wegmuller, Pake Hall, and Theo Barroquiero Duration: 90 minutes Format: Panel Discussion, followed by Q&A.

Q&A Session for Native American Bearing Witness Retreat 2023

In preparation for this in-person retreat, ZPI Executive Director Geoff O’Keeffe will hold a Question and Answer session. This retreat which will take place July 9-15, 2023 is part of a seven-year program during which we have visited several sites sacred to our Native American elders, and have been invited to share their history and culture. Our […]

Polish Peacemakers Helping Ukraine

Please join us to hear our Polish Peacemaker friends, Orina Krajewska of Małgosia Braunek “Be” Foundation and the Zwiazek Buddyjski/Kanzeon Sangha in Warsaw, along with Taras Gembik of the BLYZKIST (“closeness”) collective and « Sunflower” Solidarity Community Center as they talk about  the situation in Ukraine and Poland, as well as refugee needs. They will expound on the Common Kitchen project: “Cook, eat, explore! Gotuy, їж, знайо!”, and a free program for kids: « Let’s […]

Leaving Prison Behind: A Council Before I Go

Please join Roshi Eve Marko and Jared Seide, Exec Director of Center for Council, in a dynamic conversation about Leaving Prison Behind: A Council Before I Go. This new illustrated novella chronicles the journey of Ray, a fictionalized participant in a council-based program for incarcerated people.

Good Enough Faith

Vanessa Zuisei Goddard gives an interactive presentation on: Good Enough Faith Faith in the spiritual path is essential. In its many forms it sparks, sustains, and guides our practice—and yet, it need not be perfect. In this talk, Zuisei explores the practice of faith in four stages, showing that, in the end, all we need […]