Politics as Practice (August 2024)

The polarization of the political systems in many of the world’s countries is a part of our shared Duḥkha (suffering and unease). Grant Couch, in addition to being  a Board member of ZP has been lobbying the US Congress over the last 10 years to advocate meaningful, bipartisan national policies to address global warming. Just like all other […]

Working from Vow: Discovering Your Bodhisattva Potential as a Professional

Is your professional work in line with your deepest spiritual aspirations? Are you wondering what work would create this alignment? This is a challenging koan for every one of us, intimately related to our personal karma, and complicated by our modern cultural-economic system that aggressively attempts to compartmentalize our spiritual, emotional and professional spheres.

Three Years on the Great Mountain

Cristina Moon will discuss her new book (Shambhala Publications), Three Years on the Great Mountain: A Memoir of Zen and Fearlessness. At twenty-five, activist Cristina Moon faced an impossible task: preparing for the possibility of arrest and torture inside military-ruled Myanmar. Her response? Learning Buddhist meditation. So began what would become a decades-long spiritual path—eventually leading her to a Zen […]

Fearless Hearts: Women Leaders in Contemplative Social Action with Jennifer Dohrn

Jennifer Dohrn, CNM, DNP, FAAN is a Professor and Assistant Dean of the Office of Global Initiatives and director of the PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center for Advanced Practice Nursing at Columbia University School of Nursing. She has served communities locally and globally. As Director of Midwifery Services, she initiated the first freestanding maternity center in an […]

Fearless Hearts: Women Leaders in Contemplative Social Action – Writing on Empty

As part of our Fearless Hearts: Women Leaders in Contemplative Social Action series, award-winning author and teacher, Natalie Goldberg will discuss her new book, Writing on Empty, A Guide to Finding Your Voice. Goldberg shares her inspiring personal journey out of a devastating period of writer’s block and back into a life of growth, creativity, and healing.

The Intimate Way of Zen: Effort, Surrender, and Awakening on the Spiritual Journey

please join James Ishmael Ford for an interactive presentation: „The Intimate Way of Zen is a marvelous combination of stories, teachings, and practices that is part memoir and part storytelling about Zen, spirituality, philosophy, and life…“ – Mark Unno, author of Shingon Refractions and president of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies