Introduction to Zen Peacemaking Core Trainings with Dr. Iris Dotan Katz
Iris Dotan Katz presents an introduction to Zen Peacemaking as the fourth edition to our Core Training classes
Connect With Our Peacemaker Lineage
Connect With Our Peacemaker Lineage Join us for an informal gathering with Peacemaker Elders
Three Years on the Great Mountain
Cristina Moon will discuss her new book (Shambhala Publications), Three Years on the Great Mountain: A Memoir of Zen and Fearlessness. At twenty-five, activist Cristina Moon faced an impossible task: preparing for the possibility of arrest and torture inside military-ruled Myanmar. Her response? Learning Buddhist meditation. So began what would become a decades-long spiritual path—eventually leading her to a Zen […]
Fearless Hearts: Women Leaders in Contemplative Social Action with Jennifer Dohrn
Jennifer Dohrn, CNM, DNP, FAAN is a Professor and Assistant Dean of the Office of Global Initiatives and director of the PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center for Advanced Practice Nursing at Columbia University School of Nursing. She has served communities locally and globally. As Director of Midwifery Services, she initiated the first freestanding maternity center in an […]
Fearless Hearts: Women Leaders in Contemplative Social Action – Writing on Empty
As part of our Fearless Hearts: Women Leaders in Contemplative Social Action series, award-winning author and teacher, Natalie Goldberg will discuss her new book, Writing on Empty, A Guide to Finding Your Voice. Goldberg shares her inspiring personal journey out of a devastating period of writer’s block and back into a life of growth, creativity, and healing.
The Intimate Way of Zen: Effort, Surrender, and Awakening on the Spiritual Journey
please join James Ishmael Ford for an interactive presentation: „The Intimate Way of Zen is a marvelous combination of stories, teachings, and practices that is part memoir and part storytelling about Zen, spirituality, philosophy, and life…“ – Mark Unno, author of Shingon Refractions and president of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies
Dr Ari Ariyaratne – the Gandhi of Sri Lanka
Join Hoka Iris Dotan Katz, Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne & Tani Katz for an interactive presentation: Dr. Ariyaratne was one of the most important leaders of engaged Buddhism in the world. He was the founder and leader of the Sarvodaya movement. Sarvodaya is a social non-violence movement based on Buddhist and Gandhian principles and practice. Currently Sarvodaya is […]
Introduction to Meditation: Core Trainings with Lisa Gakyo Schaewe
July 8, 2024 “Living for one hundred years does not compare with living for one day and arousing determination for the way.” – Eihei Dōgen (永平道元)
Mad Ones, Wise Ones, and Rogues – Zen’s American Ancestors, Part 2
This is Part 2 from our previous event (HERE). All are welcome. In this series we will meet some of the bold eccentrics, scholars and artists who paved the way for Zen practice as we know it today — Sokei-an Sasaki, the „Original Dharma Bum“ of 1920s and 30s America; Ruth Fuller Sasaki, a wealthy […]
Holy Land Trust: Fostering Peace, Justice, Healing and Transformation
Meet Zen Peacemakers‘ Affiliate, Holy Land Trust’s Executive Director, Elias Deis to learn more about his organization and current projects. Holy Land Trust is a non-profit Palestinian organization committed to fostering peace, justice and understanding in the Holy Land. They are deeply committed to exploring the root causes of violence and seek to develop solutions to address them. They believe […]