Clear View Project
What is your mission?
Providing Buddhist-based training for social change and direct relief around the world and in the U.S. based on ongoing relationships with common ties and organizations in need.
Where is your organization based?
Headquarters in Berkeley, CA
How many regular members do you serve?
Tell us a bit about how the group was conceived?
We formed shortly after the Saffron Revolution in Burma in 2007 in order to support monks, nuns, and activists in prison and in exile. From there, our work expanded based on personal relationships.
Tell us about one exciting project, program, retreat or other offering you are currently working on?
Working closely for the last ten years with young engaged Buddhists in India, who are emerging from the oppression of untouchability, and have taken up Buddhist practice and social action as a way of sharing their libertine vision. This is discussed at length in Hozan Alan Senauke’s book: Heirs To Ambedkar: The Rebirth of Engaged Buddhism in India
How do the Three Tenets inform your social engagement? 
We use the Three Tenets in approaching and understanding the situations we encounter. And, we teach the Three Tenets in our training, as a necessary element of dharma and social reflection.
What is the most meaningful challenge your organization faces?
The essential challenge is to share the circumstances and inspirational work of the communities we work with to western Buddhist communities which we feel are often woefully uninformed (and often uninterested) in what is going on in Asia, where Buddhism was born.
Main website URL:
Main contact’s info:
Hozan Alan Senauke, Director. Phone: 510-882-5244; Email:

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Clear View Project

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