Q&A Session for Native American Bearing Witness Retreat 2023
- Zen Peacemakers International
- Subject: Bearing Witness, Native American
In preparation for this in-person retreat, ZPI Executive Director Geoff O’Keeffe will hold a Question and Answer session.
This retreat which will take place July 9-15, 2023 is part of a seven-year program during which we have visited several sites sacred to our Native American elders, and have been invited to share their history and culture. Our program will focus on the “heart” of these sacred sites as we gather at the sacred Medicine Wheel in the Bighorn Mountains in northern Wyoming, and near the Rosebud Battlefield in Montana. The retreat will include events at various locations, listening to the stories of our Native American elders, group sharing, as well as offering prayers for the earth and all its inhabitants. Our deepest connection to this land comes through our hosts and elders.
Unsere Aufgabe ist es, durch kontemplatives soziales Handeln unser Einssein zu verwirklichen und Leiden zu lindern.
190 Valley Vista Lane
Boulder, CO 80302
E-Mail: info@zenpeacemakers.org
Telefon: (INT +1) 917.633.9550 (USA) Montag – Freitag
© 2023 Zen Peacemakers