Introducing New Affiliated Group: Sangha for Ukraine

To strengthen our planetary network, ZPI will feature newly affiliated groups.  Join HERE to explore some of the offerings of the organizations affiliated with ZP, and visit here for a full list of these groups. Following is an introduction to the Sangha for Ukraine


Sangha for Ukraine

Compassion for Ukraine Mission: The Compassion for Ukraine community maintains a daily gathering to open our minds and hearts, and radiate compassion to all who are suffering as a result of the invasion and the ongoing war in Ukraine. Our daily practice is based on traditions and practices of Buddhist meditation and mind training, with a focus on the practice of tonglen. In addition to our practice, we bear witness to the impacts of the war and learn from our Ukrainian friends about their experience and concerns, and about Ukrainian history and culture.
When did your organization form? March 1, 2022
Tell us about one exciting project, program, or other offering you are currently working on.
* Meditation and Tonglen practice of sending and receiving * Buddhist Funeral ceremonies * Studying Dharma texts * Presenters on dharma topics and other like dealing with trauma, mediation, grieving etc. *Ukrainians as a guests telling about their lives * Volunteers talking about their work * Concert fundraisings * News about the front in Ukraine
How do the Three Tenets inform your social engagement?
We don’t know what Ukrainian people are going through. We bear witness to their pain, views without judging or trying to fix them. We take action to support them with care, meditation and financial needs.
What is the most meaningful challenge your organization Faces?
We invite Ukrainians and listen to them regularly.
For more information:
Sangha for Ukraine – Ukraine

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Introducing New Affiliated Group: Sangha for Ukraine

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