2021 Summary
In 2021, Zen Peacemakers created over 90 events with over 1,200 in attendance.
Bearing Witness Retreats
Zen Peacemakers – Race In American: An Intimate Plunge
Zen Peacemakers – Native American Plunge
Zen Peacemakers – Auschwitz: An Intimate Plunge
Member Circle Events:
(Links are to Video (“ZPI Shorts”) of Events)
- Painting Enlightenment: Healing Visions of the Heart Sutra
- «Rebel for Love, Rebel for Life»: Art and Peacemaking in Finland
- Zen Peacemakers Conversation with Lakota Elder, Violet Catches
- Be the Refuge: Insights from Asian American Buddhists
- Black and Buddhist and the Sanitized Stench of Genocide in the U.S.: Part 1 of the Genocide Conversation
- The Cheap Perfume of «Not Racist» and the Dharma of Antiracism: Part 2 of the Genocide Conversation
- Repairing America’s Racial Fractures: Lessons from Japanese American Zen Ancestors
- What is Your Original Race?
- «To Live Is To Kill»: A Starting Point For Our Training As Peacemakers
- Reflections on Awakening and Maturity with Genjō Rōshi
- Mothers Awakening
- Mindfully Parenting Our Kids, Ourselves, and Others with Roshi Ryodo
- Contemplative Medicine with Koshin Paley Ellison and Chodo Robert Campbell
- Heartwood: The Art of Living with the End in Mind with Barbara Becker
- The Zen of Trauma
- Finding Refuge: Remaining Open-Hearted During Heartbreaking and Uncertain Times
- How to Recover from a Crisis: The Universe Wants You to Succeed!
- Dukkha from the Inside & Outside of Prison Walls
- Faith in the Night: San Francisco Night Ministry
- «Bernie Glassman’s Dream is Alive and Well» with Greyston CEO
- Introduction to the Zen Peacemaker Order Training Program
- The Current Conflict in Israel and Palestine (Part One): A Conversation with Iris and Tani Katz
- Conflict in Israel-Palestine (Part Two): There is always hope for peace in the Holy Land–A Panel Discussion
- What a “Buddhist politics” might look like in the post-Trump United States
- The Dharma of Deterrence: Reflections on Two Decades in the WMD World
- «A FeAst of FOols» with the Order of Disorder
- The Sound of One Hand Laughing
- «Listening from the Heart: Where Compassion Begins» with Center for Council’s Jared Seide
- Three Tenet Mala Making Workshop
- The Gate of Sweet Nectar: A Ritual for Justice
- The Healing Power of Inter-religious Study and Practice in Challenging Times
- A Life of Praise: Praise as the core expression of Sufism, with Shaykha Fariha
- Zen@Work with Paul Gyodo, Sensei
- Dream Kōan Practice: the Sambhogakaya Intimacy of Dream Yoga
- Practical Theopoetics: Using Poetry as Process with Chaplain Jen Miller
Peacemaker Chats
Peacemaker Chat With Ara Tutu Fitzgerald
Peacemaker Chat With Kineret Ando Yardena
Peacemaker Chat With Dr. Jeffrey Franklin
Peacemaker Chat With Sean Tetsudo Murphy
Peacemaker Chat With Jonathan Nichols-Navarro
The Way of Council
Weekly Council Meetings, including specific councils for Health Care Professionals and Woman Only.
Z.P.I. Affiliate Events (Highlights):
(Links are to Event Details)
Zen Center of Los Angeles
Playing with Great Wisdom: A Heart Sūtra Series
Four Sessions on The Heart Sutra, utilizing the paintings of Japanese artist Iwasaki Tsuneo (1917-2002) along with the writings and guiding questions of contemporary Buddhist scholar Paula Arai.
Yokoji-Zen Mountain Center
The Ten Oxherding Pictures – Videos and Workshop Series
With Tenshin Fletcher, Roshi
Village Zendo and Rocky Mountain EcoDharma Retreat Center
Living and Taking Action in a Time of Ecological Crisis
A Dialogue and Workshop for Ecologically Engaged Practitioners with David Loy and Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara
Peacemaker-Gemeinschaft Deutschland
EcoDrama – EcoDharma – EcoKarma: Making Peace for the Earth
A year-long series of online meetings, exploring what Buddhism says about the relationship between human beings and the world around us, and how do we as practitioners experience this time with its ecological crises and dramas?
Engaged Mindfulness Institute
Intro to the Way of Council Training with Roshi Fleet Maull
Ideal for community leaders, mindfulness teachers, educators, prison volunteers, counselors, coaches, business professionals, social service workers, and anyone who would like to learn about the Way of Council.
Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community
Month-Long Practice Intensive: The Five Buddha Families
During our home and community-based practice intensive in September, we spent time with The Five Buddha Families, which we use in the Zen Peacemaker Tradition as a core practice and model.
New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care
Becoming a True Person of the Way: Commit-to-Sit 90-Day Online Practice Period
Led by New York Zen Center’s Guiding Teacher: Koshin Paley Ellison
w/Joan Amaral, Chimyo Atkinson, Chodo Campbell, Norman Fischer, Dai En Friedman, Issho Fujita, Konjin Godwin, Ryushin Paul Haller, Genyu Kojima, Shinzan Palma, Tenku Ruff, Sato Ryoki, Shishin Wick, and Gyokei Yokoyama
Zen Life & Meditation Center
The Power of Forgiveness Workshop
Roshi Robert Althouse presents a process for how to approach making a choice to forgive someone. When we make the decision to forgive, it can be liberating.
Disclaimer: this list is just a handful of all the activities offered by our various affiliate groups worldwide
New Zen Peacemakers Affiliates
Center for Council
Los Angeles, California
6,000 Members
Zen Life & Meditation Center
Chicago, Illinois
120 Members
Sweetwater Zen Center
National City, California
55 Members
Rocky Mountain Zen
Edmonton and Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
10 Members
Awakening At Home
Sonoma, California
30 Members
The Order of Clear Mind Zen
Las Cruces, New Mexico
40 Members
Dai Bai Zan Chō Bō Zen Ji
Seattle, Washington
50 Members
Sage Institute
Taos, New Mexico
200 Members
Dharma of Trees
Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
10 Members
San Francisco Night Ministry
San Francisco, California
Serves the unhoused population of San Francisco