Testimoniare il razzismo in America
Dare testimonianza
Il razzismo in America
Birmingham, Montgomery, Selma
7-11 maggio 2022
È stato a lungo il nostro desiderio creare un ritiro di testimonianza sulla storia razziale americana, vista attraverso gli occhi degli afroamericani. Abbiamo iniziato nel 2021 ma ci siamo limitati a offrire un ritiro online, ma ora siamo in grado di fare qualcosa di persona.
Quest’anno abbiamo in programma di camminare in tre città con una profonda storia nell’espansione della schiavitù, Jim Crow e il movimento per i diritti civili: Birmingham , Selma e Montgomery .
Intendiamo che il nostro Plunge in Alabama sia personale e trasformativo, con i partecipanti che ottengono una connessione emotiva e di cuore con le persone, i luoghi e gli eventi a cui assistiamo.
Ci auguriamo che tu possa unirti a noi.
Scorrere verso il basso per ulteriori informazioni

Tutti gli aspetti del ritiro sono fondati sui Tre Principi dei Pacificatori Zen:
lasciar andare le idee fisse su te stesso, sugli altri e sull’universo.
alla gioia e alla sofferenza del mondo.
che nasce dal non-conoscere e dal rendere testimonianza.
Queste sono e saranno la nostra ancora a cui torneremo ogni giorno del ritiro.
Sono un modo potente per vivere la propria vita e rispondere ai bisogni del mondo.
Si prega di fare riferimento a questa pagina web sul Tre principi per saperne di più.
Testimoniare il razzismo in America
Informazioni sul ritiro
Fare clic su Argomenti da visualizzare
What Does The Retreat Fee Pay For?
Cancellation Policy
When registering, please fill out the 2022 Bearing Witness to Racism in America Form Here.
The registration fee of $750 (USD) covers your participation in all programs, including bus transportation between Birmingham/Montgomery/Selma and all museum fees, and supports the administrative costs of the retreat. Attendees are responsible for travel costs to and from the retreat, and all lodging and meal costs. Attendees are also responsible for making their own hotel reservations.
Throughout our time together in three cities in Alabama, we intend to move together, share meals, and remain as a group in our intentional space. We ask that everyone use the hotels that have been arranged to support this effort.
Participants are asked to make their own hotel reservations. We encourage room-sharing between the participants. During the retreat period—to check in in the afternoon of May 7 and check out in the morning of May 11, the group rates can be applied when you mention “Zen Peacemakers.” However, the last day to secure rooms for the Zen Peacemakers block is March 15, after which rooms will be released to others. Please contact individual hotels concerning their cancellation policy.
One night (May 7):
Redmont Hotel Birmingham, Curio Collection by Hilton
2101 5th Ave North, Birmingham, AL 35203
Ph. (205) 957-6828
Group rates: $199/night Doubles, $181/night Singles (valid until Friday, April 1st)
Website: Click HERE.
Three nights (May 8-10):
Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Montgomery Downtown
120 Madison Ave, Montgomery, AL 36104
Ph. (334) 245-2320
Group rate: $159/night for Singles or Doubles. (Valid until Friday, April 1st)
Website: Click HERE.
The group rates are for the duration of the retreat only. Should you decide to stay in locations before or after the retreat, the normal individual rates will be charged.
Please note the following important dates for the cancellation and refund policy. All refunds are normally processed within 60 days of the notification of cancellation.
- If the retreat is canceled by Zen Peacemakers International (ZPI), the retreat fee will be fully refunded.
- If it is canceled by the registrant before March 20th, 2022, the fee can be refunded after the $100 administrative fee is deducted.
- If it is canceled by the registrant before April 15th, 2022, the fee can be refunded after the $300 cancelation fee is deducted.
- The Retreat Fee becomes non-refundable if it is canceled by the registrant on or after April 15th, 2022.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: The participants are responsible for their own hotel reservations, cancellations, and the related fees/penalties.
Essential Travel & Schedule
Events & Activities
Fundraise Your Tuition / Mala Practice
Destination & Departure
Please plan to arrive on Saturday, May 7th at the following hotel by 6:00 PM in time for a welcome dinner and orientation:
Redmont Hotel Birmingham, Curio Collection by Hilton
2101 5th Ave North, Birmingham, AL 35203
Ph. (205) 957-6828
If you are arriving at Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport (BHM) on Saturday, it is a 15 minute drive to the Hotel. Please note that there is not an airport shuttle. Call the above number for assistance in transportation.
Depart from Montgomery Regional Airport (MGM) in the afternoon of Wednesday, May 11, 2022. For the return ticketing, please plan to fly out of Montgomery after 3:00 PM on May 11.
Again, we encourage you to purchase refundable tickets, travel insurance policy, or both due to the ongoing pandemic situation.
Events will include visits to the 16th Street Baptist Church and Kelly Ingram Park in Birmingham, the Edmond Pettus Bridge in Selma, the Legacy Museum, the National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, and other sites. We will have sessions of zazen, work practice, and Council practice, while collaborating with local organizations.
Zen Peacemakers encourages everyone to fundraise their participation by reaching out to close ones and friends and by that to include others in what otherwise may be a very personal journey. You will also raise awareness for whatever causes or issues attending this retreat will address for you.
2,500 years ago, it was the practice of the lay congregation to support monks through donations of food and clothing. Shakyamuni Buddha led his monks each morning in the practice of begging for their daily food. Each day’s offering was received with thanks regardless of its nature or size. In this way the Buddha encouraged simplicity, the generosity of both giving and receiving, and undiscriminating appreciation.
We continue this begging practice by raising support for our work by assembling a mala, or beads that are strung together and worn like a necklace. Each bead represents a person who supports that member’s vision and work, and the entire mala represents the Member’s community of support.
This is a practice of giving and receiving. By asking for support from family, friends, and associates, we acknowledge that as individuals, we are limited in what we can do. We depend on the generosity of others to increase our membership, train more peacemakers, and develop and support more programs. This is one more way in which we bear witness in the interdependence of life.
Another important aspect of mala practice is the incorporation of the ministry of money in our program. The assembly of malas ensures that money management and fundraising are not seen as foreign to peacemaking work; instead, the give-and-take of money is the compassionate, unobstructed flow of energy that nourishes and transforms our activities.
Mala practice also gives us the opportunity to share our work with our families, friends, and associates. Most of us lead professional work lives and have families. By raising money for our Socially Engaged Buddhist work, we publicize its activities, and most important, our own commitment. By wearing the beads we have assembled, we take our supporters with us in our peacemaking endeavors and on Bearing Witness retreats such as at Auschwitz, thus making family and friends an intimate part of this peacemaking journey.
Assemble a mala (not from your personal funds) consisting of 18 small beads and one Buddha (large) bead or one of 108 beads and dedicate each bead to each of your donors. Beads from individuals or from groups or families are equally appreciated. When they offer a bead, they will be working, training, studying and traveling with you wherever you go.
Suggested Readings
Through the years the Zen Peacemakers have hosted countless nationalities, faiths and ethnicities on the retreat. Donations can be extended towards those from diverse backgrounds to contribute to the multifaceted experience of the retreat. Donation will also ensure the attendance of those challenged financially to gather the cost of tuition.
Donations can be made at the time of registration or online on our Donation Page.
Zen Peacemakers, Inc. is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization for your tax purposes.
When you participate in a Bearing Witness retreat, you enter a carefully crafted container held by various teams:
Spirit Holders learn and listen to the pulse of the retreat during the retreat, and adjust the schedule accordingly. This role is specific to the retreat they have been chosen for. They review the retreat structure and schedule and make recommendations for changes. The Spirit Holders include (1) individuals whose lives are deeply infused with the place and theme of the retreat, (2) Zen teachers or Masters with extensive experience in the practice and teaching of the Three Tenets and (3) Those with a particular role, such as Head of Logistical Staff and Head Council Trainer.
Staff serves the needs of the retreat and its participants by translating the direction of the spirit holders into action. Half of our staff consists of local people with a personal connection to the place of the retreat; the other half are highly trained ZPO members.
Council Facilitators lead the daily council groups- sharing circles that give space for sharing one’s experience of the retreat with others. These facilitators have trained with the Center for Council and are under the guidance and supervision of the head council trainer.
Elders are past retreat Spirit Holders who have transmitted their role to another and hold years-worth of insight from experiencing, practicing and leading at ZPO Bearing Witness retreats. They participate informally and offer the retreat administrators and current spirit holders feedback on the flow and pulse of the retreat. They are available to everyone as a resource before, during and after a retreat.
The Administration Team develops, plans and manages the budget, marketing and schedule for each retreat from its inception to the actual start of the retreat. They continuously evaluate and determine whether a retreat is financially feasible.
- Alexander, Michelle. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. The New Press, 2010; Reprint edition 2020.
- Baldwin, James. The Fire Next Time. Vintage, 1962.
- Bond, Julian. Time to Teach: A History of the Southern Civil Rights Movement. Beacon Press, 2021.
- Branch, Taylor. At Canaan’s Edge. Simon & Schuster, 2007.
_____. Parting the Waters. Simon & Schuster, 1989.
_____. Pillar of Fire. Simon & Schuster, 1999.
- Coates, Ta-Nehisi. Between the World and Me. Penguin Random House, 2015.
- DiAngelo, Robin. White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism. Beacon Press, 2018.
- Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. Lippincott, 1937; Amistad, 75th Anniversary Edition, 2020.
- Kendi, Ibram X. How to Be An Antiracist. Penguin Random House, 2019.
- _____. Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America. Bold Type Books, 2017.
- King, Ruth. Mindful of Race: Transforming Racism from the Inside Out. Sounds True, 2018.
- Malcolm X and Alex Haley. The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Perfection Learning, 1987.
- Moody, Ann. Coming of Age In Mississippi: The Classic Autobiography of Growing Up Poor and Black in the Rural South. Bantam Dell, 1968.
- Morrison, Toni. The Bluest Eye. Vintage, 1970; Reprint edition 2007.
- Rothstein, Richard. The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America. Liveright, 2018.
- Shankar-Brown, Rajni. Tuluminous: Poems. Nirala Publications, 2020.
- Stephenson, Bryan. Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption. One World, 2015.
- Ward, Larry. America’s Racial Karma: An Invitation to Heal. Parallax Press, 2020.
- Wilkerson, Isabel. Caste. Penguin Random House, 2020.
Covid Information
Intendiamo salvaguardare la salute e la sicurezza di tutti i partecipanti e delle comunità nelle nostre destinazioni. A tal fine, chiediamo a tutti i partecipanti di inviare via e-mail una copia della tessera di vaccinazione entro il 1 aprile 2022. Si prega di inviare via e-mail la fotocopia della prova di vaccinazione (tessera o certificato) a info@zenpeacemakers.org .
Poiché sosteniamo la preoccupazione dei nostri partecipanti per la sicurezza, chiediamo a tutti i partecipanti di fornire un’immagine fotografica della loro tessera di vaccinazione Covid. Seguiremo le normative Covid in vigore al momento del ritiro in loco. Se stai entrando negli Stati Uniti dall’estero, sei tenuto a rimanere informato su eventuali modifiche ai regolamenti e ai tipi di certificati necessari per l’ingresso/uscita/rientro al momento del viaggio. Si noti che le tasse per i test Covid non sono incluse nelle tasse di ritiro.
Ti preghiamo di tenerti aggiornato sulle restrizioni di viaggio dovute a Covid-19 e di organizzare il tuo viaggio con saggezza. Se stai volando, valuta la possibilità di acquistare un biglietto completamente rimborsabile, una polizza assicurativa di viaggio o entrambi.
Domande relative al programma di ritiro, registrazione e pagamento: info@zenpeacemakers.org