Introducing ZPI Affiliate: Sage Institute

To strengthen our planetary network, ZPI will feature newly affiliated groups.     

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Introducing a new ZPI affiliate group:

Sage Institute
for Creativity and Consciousness

Online Meditation Leader Training Program


What is your organization’s name?

Sage Institute for Creativity and Consciousness, Online Meditation Leader Training Program.

What is your mission?

We offer trainings in mindfulness, and also trainings to teach people how to teach mindfulness in their own communities. We conduct an online/zoom 200 hr Meditation and Mindfulness Leader Training secular/interfaith program to train experienced practitioners to share Meditation and Mindfulness skills with others. We also do regular online Meditation / Mindfulness 28 Day Challenges and other direct trainings linked to Meditation and Mindfulness practices.

Sage Institute is an educational non-profit organization that supports the promotion and practice of all forms of meditation and mindfulness. We believe in consciousness, creativity, and meditation as vehicles for personal and political transformation in our world.

Where is your organization based?

Online and Taos, New Mexico.

How many regular members do you serve?   200

Tell us a bit about how the group was conceived?

Inspired in part by the 200-hour yoga teacher training program that has made yoga so widely available to people of all backgrounds, faiths, etc, and also wanting Zen to contribute a voice and some depth to the current mindfulness movement via linkage to an established lineage.

Tell us about one exciting project, retreat, or other offerings that you are currently working on.

Our Online/Zoom Meditation and Mindfulness Leader Training program recently graduated 10 trainees, bringing our total graduate number up to some 20 trainees. We’ll be starting our next training cohort in late August/early fall 2021.

How do the Three Tenets inform your social engagement?

Not knowing, bearing witness, and direct action to further the growth of human consciousness through meditation and mindfulness practices are central to our approach. We feel that the spread of Meditation and Mindfulness practices, and their potential in the development of human consciousness may be the best hope for the future of our planet, or at least of the human race.

What is the most meaningful challenge your organization faces?

Lack of unity among various divisions in the human family, resulting in lack of coherent collective action to solve major problems such as racism, climate change, and putting profits before benefits to the human race and to our planet as a whole.

Your main website URL:

Main contact: Executive Director, Sean Testudo Murphy, Sensei.

Sean Tetsudo Murphy is a fully sanctioned Zen teacher (Sensei) in the American White Plum Zen Lineage. He has had over 30 years of formal Zen training and teaches widely on subjects of meditation, mindfulness, Zen practice, and writing. He is the author of the American Zen chronicle One Bird, One Stone: 108 Contemporary Zen Stories, as well as three novels, and was a 2018 National Endowment for the Arts Fellow in Creative Writing. He is the Executive Director of Sage Institute.

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Introducing ZPI Affiliate: Sage Institute

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