Taking Action with Eon Zen

Serving Dinner at the Boulder Shelter for the Homeless

Serving and engaging in community is fundamental to Zen practice. The Third Tenet of the Zen Peacemakers is taking action. The action that arises from this practice is a caring action that serves everyone and everything, including yourself, in the whole situation.

Through the practice of meditation and the Three Tenets: Not Knowing, Bearing Witness and Taking Action, we touch and embrace the unity, dignity, and equality of all beings. Mindfully attending to what is needed with warmth and friendliness, we realize the true nature of service through the reciprocal practice of not-one, not-two.

At EON Zen, we engage our Third Tenet by joining in social and civic action in our Boulder community.  EON Zen prepares and serves dinner on the fourth Friday of each month from 5:30-7:45pm at the Boulder Shelter for the Homeless.

Volunteering at the Shelter is a wonderful way to “give back” to the community. The Shelter relies heavily on volunteers to run efficiently and effectively. Being of service to those who are in a less fortunate position than ourselves can be a richly rewarding and fun experience. The Shelter is a community shelter and relies on the support of donors and volunteers.  It’s a privilege and an honor to support our friends who provide this needed service to our community and to our neighbors. If you want to contribute to the Boulder Shelter for the Homeless, please click the link below.


Please check out the Shelter website at this link: Boulder Shelter for the Homeless.


The Boulder Shelter for the Homeless is a housing-focused shelter creating permanent solutions to homelessness in Boulder Colorado.

Our Purpose
We believe that all people deserve the necessities of life and that the community in which we live is called to serve this purpose.

Our Mission
To create avenues to stable housing for our community’s homeless adults from a foundation of supportive and safe shelter.

Our Core Values
Treat all with dignity. Offer support and opportunity. Achieve results through competence and creativity. Practice responsible stewardship.


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Taking Action with Eon Zen

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