Introducing ZPI Affiliate: Zen Center of Denver

To strengthen our planetary network, ZPI will feature newly affiliated groups. Join us here on the Hive to explore some of the offerings of the organizations affiliated with ZPI. Introducing a new ZPI affiliate group: What is your organization’s name? Zen Center of Denver What type of Affiliate would you like to be identified as […]

Bernie Glassman and „Underserved Places“

I keep thinking about Bernie Glassman, especially when people are struggling to get involved. Some think there is nothing they can do here, the powerful are always in charge. Others say that as a Christian, it’s enough for me to put things in God’s hands, to pray for everyone involved in the war and, if I […]

Peacemakers Finland for Ukraine 

Our minds have been dwelling with the victims of war in Ukraine. The current situation reminds us that war has never went too far. It also reminds us that a continuous practice for peace is ever more important. Nothing lasts forever. Peace in Europe has been interrupted by war, but even that will pass. Bearing […]

Zen in a Time of Uncertainty

“The Way of the Buddha is intrinsically accomplished and perfect; the principle of Buddhism is complete freedom” (from the Fukan Zazenji [Dogen’s essay on recommending Zazen to everyone]) Our Zen practice is a refuge that can help us in times of uncertainty… It offers stability in terms of being concrete and embodied. We show up […]

Introducing ZPI Affiliate: One River Zen

To strengthen our planetary network, ZPI will feature newly affiliated groups. Join us here on the Hive to explore some of the offerings of the organizations affiliated with ZPI. Introducing a new ZPI affiliate group:   What is your organization’s name? One River Zen What type of Affiliate would you like to be identified as […]

Introducing ZPI Affiliate: Green River Zen Center

To strengthen our planetary network, ZPI will feature newly affiliated groups. Join us here on the Hive to explore some of the offerings of the organizations affiliated with ZPI. Introducing a new ZPI affiliate group: What is your organization’s name? Green River Zen Center What type of Affiliate would you like to be identified as […]

Introducing ZPI Affiliate: Zen Peacemakers De Lage Landen

To strengthen our planetary network, ZPI will feature newly affiliated groups.     Join us here on the Hive to explore some of the offerings of the organizations affiliated with ZPI. Introducing a new ZPI affiliate group: Zen Peacemakers De Lage Landen (The Netherlands and Belgium) Where is your organization’s name? Zen Peacemakers De Lage Landen (ZPLL). […]

Reflections in a Viral Age2—Hopelessness

Published 4.26.2020   Plagues and natural disasters appear regularly throughout human history. No times, places, or people have been immune to these occurrences. During Japan’s Kamakura period a series of plagues and famines burned across the country. During the Kanki Famine in 1230-31 roughly a third of Japan’s population died—from 1.5 to 2 million people. […]

Re-introducing ZPI Affiliate: Engaged Mindfulness Institute

To strengthen our planetary network, ZPI will feature newly affiliated groups.     Join us here at  to explore some of the offerings of the organizations affiliated with ZPI.   Re-introducing a long-time ZPI affiliate group: Engaged Mindfulness Institute What is your organization’s name? Engaged Mindfulness Institute (EMI). What is your mission? EMI specializes in training those […]

Zen Peacemakers International: 2021 Summary

2021 Summary In 2021, Zen Peacemakers created over 90 events with over 1,200 in attendance. Bearing Witness Retreats Zen Peacemakers – Race In American: An Intimate Plunge Zen Peacemakers – Native American Plunge Zen Peacemakers – Auschwitz: An Intimate Plunge   Member Circle Events: (Links are to Video (“ZPI Shorts”) of Events) Painting Enlightenment: Healing […]