Zen Peacemakers Bearing Witness Retreat in Auschwitz 2024
by Barbara Wegmüller The security checks have intensified over the last few years. The numbers and names of all the international passports were given weeks ago to register the group of retreat participants. The entire entrance area was recently rebuilt. In the first year, the museum recorded 170,000 visitors. Currently, there are more than […]
December 4, 2024 ~ Eve Marko I was in Takoma Park, Maryland, for the Thanksgiving holiday and returned home on Saturday. The following morning, I took out the dogs in freezing temperatures on one of our favorite walks, Fiske Pond in the Town of Wendell, some 10 minutes from the house. The place had changed dramatically […]
“Never again – for everyone!”
An interview with Zen Peacemaker Roshi, Barbara Salaam Wegmüller Roshi (Bern) and Cornelius von Collande Roshi (Würzburg), about the upcoming Auschwitz Retreat in November 2024 against the backdrop of the current war in the Middle East. The interview was held in May 2024, therefore only the war in Gaza and not in Lebanon is addressed […]
Using the Empty Chair to Move Beyond Us-and-Them Thinking
In a season of vitriol, council with an empty chair may help us all win. Updated April 23, 2024 | Reviewed by Gary Drevitch At the 2012 Republican National Convention, Hollywood icon Clint Eastwood did something unusual: he spent over 12 minutes speaking to an empty chair as if it were then-President Obama. Commentary flooded social media and dominated news […]
Bearing Witness to the Night
March 2024 Many mornings, as something of a ritual affirming my connection to a Home Place, I log on and connect to a webcam feed from Big Sand Lake in northern Minnesota. Over a cup of coffee 600 miles away, I can look east from a webcam mounted on a pole at a resort—the same […]
Get Out of Your Head
When we project conditioning from our past onto the present, we turn a benign moment into something else. Understanding the “five conditions” can help us get back to reality. By Sean Murphy Like many others, I’ve always found traditional Buddhist formulations of the five “aggregates” (Skt., skandhas ) difficult to put into practice in […]
Beloved Community
Beloved Community Into the circle of all beings we have come With sunshine and tree and raven and coyote and deer and rabbit and stars And precious moonlight. May our feet walk gently in the sands of time Echoing purpose and peace and creative caring throughout this land of dreams. Beloved community Our […]
I can write again – It becomes concrete
08. Nov 2023 Bernie Glassman and Zen Peacemakers/The deep meaning of begging for malas/street retreats In 2007 I must have heard about Zen Peacemakers, probably through the Dharma teacher Werner Heidenreich, who told me about a meeting in Germany, perhaps in Solingen. I remember being fascinated, I had never heard of anything like it. Among […]
A Pilgrimage to Rüdesheim
Eine Pilgerfahrt zu Hildegard von Bingen rund um meinen Geburtstag: 13.-15.4.2023 von Monika Winkelmann | 20. Aug 2023 | 0 Kommentare Die Heilige Hildegard von Bingen – Erste Deutsche Dichterin und Kirchenlehrerin Vom 13.-15. April diesen Jahres reiste ich mit meiner buddhistischen Freundin und Schreibstudentin Teresa Jansen als einziger Teilnehmerin nach Rüdesheim. Eine Kleingruppe hätte ich mir vorstellen können, […]
Everything is Practice
Dharma Talk 24/07/23 – Richard Warner For the Dharma talk this week I wanted to take up a phrase teacher Richard Herps used in his talk last week. If I remember correctly Roshi Cecilie asked him a good Zen question: ‘What is practice?’ to which he replied: ‘Everything is Practice’. This struck me as a […]